Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Why Are My Eyelashes Falling Out?

By Kate Minogue

Just like the rest of the hair on your body, your eyelashes will fall out from time to time. This is perfectly normal. The medical term for this is medarosis from the Greek word "madaros" which means bald.

However, if your eyelashes are falling off in great numbers, there may be a medical issue that needs to be fixed. Lash loss can be caused by infections, hormonal imbalances, and irritation.

A common cause of irritation is harshly removing your eye makeup. If you rub too hard, you can accidently pull out your lashes fromt he root. Use a stronger eye makeup remover or switch to water based mascaras which don't require chemicals and rubbing to get off. Also be gentler when you curl your lashes as the curler can tug and cause your eyelashes to fall out.

Infections such as chlamydia, parasites, and herpes can also make your lashes fall off. These are serious conditions that should be looked after by a physician.

Endocrine disorders can change the balance of hormones in your body. Since hormones are the master signals that change growth, your eyelashes may be growing back thinner, more brittle, and less healthy. The rest of your hair, not just your eyelashes may become dull, brittle, coarse and start falling off in large clumps.

If you're losing hair all over your body, you may have an autoimmune disorder. Madarosis can occur with alopecia as your body turns on itself and starts attacking its own cells.

Not to fear though, as long as the hair follicles are not damaged, you can stimulate and regrow your eyelashes. Try using eyelash stimulators and growth products. These products help your lashes regrow naturally to their maximum potential.

Eyelash growth serums like LiLash grow the appearance of long, thick, and shiny lashes naturally. LiLash is clinically tested to coat and treat your lashes to give you results in just a few weeks.

LiLash has other uses besides being an eyelash stimulator. It also acts as a lash conditioner to protect the lashes that you still have. LiLash will keep your lashes from breaking off so even if you wear extensions or fake lashes, they'll look fuller, healthier, and longer.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Male Baldness- What Should Be Done First?

By Steven Newton

The market offers a variety of hair loss products and treatments. People tend to try anything, in order to get rid of baldness and its consequences. Unfortunately, male baldness cure depends on the hair loss causes, and it should be prescribed by the doctor. It is recommended not to start hair loss treatments on your own, as you risk worsening the disease.

Your doctor may recommend a long term medical treatment, which must be followed for at least 3 months. It is also useful to treat the hair loss causes (seborrhea, eczema, dandruff) with antifungal, antiseborrheic, revulsive shampoos or lotions. There are a number of dermatological shampoos, especially developed for hair loss treatment.

What really matters is to use special hair loss products constantly, in order to prevent further problems, such as massive hair loss. People can't do anything about the genetic triggers that are responsible for baldness; they can only avoid the other harmful factors for their health.

If massive hair loss occurs, it becomes essential the advice of a specialist. Stress is also a major trigger when it comes about baldness, as it affects directly the process. In the absence of an accurate diagnosis, it isn't recommended to use any kind of hair loss products and supplements. Although these solutions proved to be effective, helping in the restoration of metabolic and hormonal balances, they are not useful at all in stopping baldness.

Men loose their hair for various reasons. It was proved that the genetically pattern is directly related to baldness in 95% of the cases. In the United States, 35 million men are the victims of hair loss every year.

It was proved that one of the reasons why men lose their hair more in comparison to women, is due to hormones. Other authorized sources claim that 3 of 5 men are affected by typical male baldness, before reaching the age of 50.

The risk of male baldness is mainly related to the level of testosterone, a typical male hormone. Thus, the risk of becoming bold is increased in genetically susceptible individuals. Any man can find out what his predisposition to baldness is, by taking as an example the men from his family. If his father or grandparents the male pattern baldness, then he might face the same problem in the future.

Male pattern baldness is not the same as inherited baldness, as many people think. The same people consider that poor blood circulation, blocked pores and deficiency of vitamins are responsible for male hair loss.

There are treatment options but for almost any type of hair loss. The Internet is a great place to find information about hair loss and treatment options. However, you must pay attention to so-called "miraculous baldness cure", sold especially on the Internet. Most times, they will guarantee you the regeneration of hair or a more rich and stronger hair.

Men should not forget that only the hair loss products approved by specialists are truly effective. Stopping the treatment recommended by your doctor can also reverse the healing process.

Surgical interventions (flap and hair transplant) represent the only solution with long term effects in baldness. The procedure involves minimum trauma, resulting in natural hair growth.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Everyone Needs To Understand About Hair Replacement

By Dawn Enstruthe

Hair loss can be a distressing concern among men and women, old and young alike. A person's physical appearance, which is of high importance to most, is greatly affected with a balding head.

Losing one's hair is not actually a very serious condition. This does not put a person's life in peril unlike grave illnesses. However, the humiliation suffered by people experiencing the loss of their hairs is not something one would want. Balding people are often the butt of other people's jokes. A receding hairline or a shiny head is also not that very attractive. Sure, there are celebrities who are bald and proud but taken away their fame and money, they would not want to be caught without a cap on.

It is good to note that this problem is heavily suggested with solutions of hair replacement. There are the cheap and practical ones while there are also the expensive and newer techniques. The common feature among these various solutions is their promise to bring back the high self-esteem that was gravely affected by the problem.

First, there are the popular wigs available in different hairstyles and color. Some hairpieces like the toupees are secured by sticking the wig to the person's scalp. This is to prevent falling of the wig or getting it blown by the wind.

Next are the applied creams and ointments. These contain formulas which aid the hair follicles to produce hair actively. The cream is directly applied to the scalp. Some of these formulas come in liquid form and are applied by spraying. It also provides a non-greasy feeling.

For people who have thinning hair problems, then hair extension might be best for them. In this method, the hairs are glued to the existing hair of the person. Real hair is used in the process, thus creating a natural look.

For people without hope of ever having their own hair grow back, hair transplant might be the best solution. Real hair strands are surgically planted on a person's head. This is carried out without any machine used which accounts for its high cost. The patients are promised of a permanent solution with hair transplants.

With these many choices, there is no reason now for being bald. Just weigh the options carefully before deciding on choosing a hair replacement method.

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Learn More About Hair Loss

By D.J. Verret, MD

What is the first step for people with hair loss? Millions of people each year are newly affected by hair loss. It can be a particularly psychologically devastating process. The first step in treating alopecia is determining the cause of the hair loss. There are many factors which contribute to hair loss including genetics, trauma, and underlying medical diseases. The first step for any person suffering from hair loss is to consult with an experienced doctor to determine the cause of the hair thinning so that the best treatment can be determined.

What causes male pattern baldness? Male pattern baldness, more appropriately termed androgenic alopecia, is caused by the effect of the break down products of testosterone on certain hair follicles on the scalp. This type of hair loss affects men and women, though more commonly male patients. Interestingly it only affects hair on the scalp and not on the rest of the body. The patterns of loss are well established and appear to be genetically determined.

What is the best treatment for alopecia? The best treatment for hair loss is dependent on the cause for the hair loss. There is no one treatment which works for every person or for every cause. The most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia. For this, the best treatment is aimed at preventing future loss and restoring hair that has been lost. For hair loss caused by underlying medical conditions, the best treatment is to treat the underlying medical condition. The hair loss will often resolve in a short period after the condition is treated.

What medicines are available for hair loss? The only United States Food and Drug Administration approved medications for hair loss are finasteride, minoxidil, and bimatoprost. Each has different indications. Bimatoprost is the latest on the scene and is approved for eyelash loss. Minoxidil is available over the counter but the other two require a prescription from a physician. All have side effects and consultation with a physician is always a wise choice before starting any treatment.

Talking with a doctor about hair loss is the first step toward treatment. While balding can be a significant problem, there are treatments available.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Starting to go Bald?

By Anju Mathur, MD

Did you know that hair loss in males is a symptom of andropause? And what is andropause? Andropause is a diminishing of hormone output in various glands of men, and it occurs in the fourth and fifth decade of life. It could possibly be called male menopause, but some of the symptoms are different in men than in women.

Although testosterone is the most prevalent and well-known male hormone, there are others. As a group these male hormones are responsible for male characteristics - and they are called androgens. In females, reproductive organs shut down during menopause. That is not the case in males where reproductive organs can continue to operate into old age. But still, as a man ages, the glands supply a smaller amount of hormones.

Can anything be done about these symptoms of age? Lessening of muscle mass and strength, loss of sex drive, less restful sleep, anxiety, sluggishness, and a pot belly can also be symptoms of andropause in addition to hair loss. Are these symptoms unavoidable? In this article we will discuss what can be done.

When women begin to go through menopause, doctors often prescribe replacement hormones to combat symptoms. Replacement of hormones can be just as beneficial to men. This is called hormone replacement therapy. It is important to know how much of which hormones to replace - not just replacing testosterone - and it is important that the replacements be exactly the same as the hormones the body produces - bioidentical hormones.

Many hormones being sold as replacements are not the same as the ones in the body, notably estrogen made from pregnant horse urine. But if you put a bioidentical hormone in the body, the organs will recognize and use it.

To find out which hormones need to be replaced and in what amount requires medical tests. The amount lost or rate of loss is not the same in every male - age and diet and physique make a difference. So the only way to determine what and how much to take is testing.

Once testing is done, and the facts are known, exact amounts of needed hormones can be given to a level that will compare to the levels of hormones in the body when one was young. Symptoms like lack of energy and interest in life, low libido, insomnia and loss of hair can slow down or halt or even reverse. Indeed, it seems like one regains youth.

There are thousands of men who have benefited from hormone replacement therapy with no side effects. It is a natural way to slow the aging process and bring new vigor to a sluggish lifestyle. There's no reason to mope because you reached middle age - do something about it!

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Best Hair Transplant Surgeons

By Mark Steinberg

How do you find the very best surgeon to perform your hair transplant? Well, there is no best surgeon out there because the art of a hair transplantation can be learned by virtually anyone with a medical degree. Regardless, some hair transplant surgeons are better than others.

Your friends and/or family may provide you with some tips of good hair transplant surgeons. But because not many people get hair transplants in general, online sources of information can point you in the right direction.

Two of the best sources of information for the best hair restoration surgeons are the Hair Transplant Network ( and the list of surgeons from The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons ( boasts the largest online community for those looking to get a hair transplantation. Their Hair Loss Forum, which can be accessed at the right hand side of the homepage, allows users to post reviews and high resolution pictures of the results they've gotten from doctors. This is, quite simply, the best site to check out if you want a hair loss procedure and don't know where to start.

If you're looking for a list of the best surgeons in the USA, you can't get any closer to the member list given by Because the requirements to be a member in this consumer organization are strict, it has less than 50 hair transplant surgeons!

Although is a site, which you should take a look at, its not like all of the good surgeons are on this list. You may very well find surgeons that are not featured on this list in the Hair Transplant Network forum.

Since a hair transplantation is expensive, particularly with the more popular surgeons, where the clinic is located should not be an issue when deciding what surgeon to choose. Because a hair transplantation is going to impact you for the rest of your life, the cost of a round trip ticket is like a drop in the bucket.

Finally, don't listen to all of those commercials for hair transplant clinics. Just because a clinic has a big marketing campaign, it does not mean anything in terms of the quality of their work. Some say that it is actually better if the clinic is small because the staff is less likely to be new and inexperienced, which happens a lot in large hair transplant clinics.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

How to Care for Grey Hair

By Jennifer Summers

As we age, our hair produces less melanin, the same melanin that gives our skin its colour. The most evident sign of aging is the changing colour of our hair. This is the reason our hair becomes grey. At any age grey hair can appear. It's not always a sign of aging. It is caused by a decline in pigment (grey hair) or a complete loss of pigment (white hair). The cause for it is not fully understood.

Aging also affects our hair in other ways. As we age our hair is prone to becoming drier, and so requires more moisture than ever before. Older hair also loses some of its elasticity and the texture changes. Some women will notice that their hair becomes thinner and lacks life, for others it appears dry and coarse. This happens because as we age, the size of the hair follicles diminish and hair growth slows. As a result there is not so much new growth to replace what we lose.

Sebum (oil produced naturally by our skin) lessens as we age, and as a consequence our hair, therefore, lacks its natural shine and softness. And our production of keratin also slows during the menopause. This particular protein fibre is a must in maintaining healthy, strong hair. Going bald, having thinning hair and coarse hair is a subject that affects many men, plus facial hair. To conceal your grey hair opt for the right shade of hair colour. If you use a dark colour it can draw attention to a dull complexion. So do not use a colour more than a couple of tones darker or lighter than your own hair colour.

Lowlights or highlights can conceal any grey you want to disguise by merging them into the rest of your head of hair. The same with hair colourants, stay away from going more than a couple of shades lighter than your own hair colour. That way you will not end up appearing older than you really are. Grey hair can appear yellow or greenish on many people. If you fancy keeping your grey hair, opt for using a hair shampoo and conditioner that is made especially for grey hair. To counteract the yellow colour and leave your hair shiny and good-looking, why not use a greying shampoo that has a violet base colour, instead of your everyday shampoo.

Moisturizing (conditioning) is a requirement for older hair. Use a weekly deep conditioning treatment - suggested for aging hair. This will help to preserve the moisture levels in your hair. As time goes by your hair loses its elasticity and this makes it more difficult to style, so try using a protein treatment at least once a month to assist your hair. For men and women, thinning hair can be given a more voluminous look by using volumizing products such as conditioners and mousses.

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Hair Loss Treatment For Male Baldness

By Adrian Blankenship

Normally, peoples hair on their head dies after the length of five years. Daily, the hair goes through a process of regeneration, which contributes to the normal hair loss of close to a hundred strands of hair. Typically, each strand of hair that falls out is replaced with a new hair follicle growth. Male Baldness on the other hand, results when hairs die and fail to regenerate.

Bald spots, take time to occur in most cases. Usually noticeable hair loss, depends on the age at which the person started losing their hair. Men increase their chances by 95% to experience male pattern baldness if they have hair loss between the ages of 20 to 45.

Male Baldness is a condition that millions of men will develop. Normally, most men experience a pattern to their hair loss in which they lose their hair. This relates to the name of male pattern baldness.

The temples and crown of the head are the areas, which most men see the hair loss start. Although these are the most common areas, there are other possibilities too. The most common type of male baldness experienced by men is when the hair loss progresses to complete baldness at the top of the head.

Many reasons contribute to mens hair loss. Some of the causes could be things such as nutrition, medication, chemotherapy, hormones, thyroid disease, chemical exposure, skin disease, or stress.

Often these reasons only account for a temporary loss of hair, however they have the potential for permanent hair loss as well. The hereditary condition is what causes hormones in the body to slow down and produce weaker, shorter hair.

There is a 50% increased risk for hair loss when one of the immediate family members has hair loss. This risk does not depend on what side hair loss come from. Hair loss is caused by hormones, which decrease production of hair follicles, while producing shorter and weaker ones. Over time, the production of hair follicles stops.

The reason why this condition occurs, is still not understood and accounts for the lack of a baldness cure. Advancements in technology, allow for the process of hair loss to become slowed or stopped when caught early enough.

Save yourself unnecessary tests, money, and time by going to see an experienced dermatologist who can properly diagnose you. Additionally, you will then know which way you need to go in regards to a hair loss treatment. People exposed to chemicals are the only one's who should get biopsies or hair analysis.

After proper diagnosis, you will have more of an idea which of the hair loss products are right for you. Many of the hair loss treatment products on the market today, do not offer anything more than a fictioness tale on how they discovered the baldness cure. This is the reason why men should not use product that are no approved by the FDA or at least recommended by The American Hair Loss Association.

Hair loss puts many men in a vulnerable position. Losing money to those marketing product filled with false promises, will not help to make things any easier. If you want to have the most success with treating your hair loss, then immediate hair loss treatment is the best method. One of the most effective and recommended hair loss products is the natural kind, as long as it is used at the time when hair loss begins. No longer does hair loss have to be something you are doomed to, since there are many ways to prevent or stop hair loss with todays products.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rachael Ray Raves About the Derma Roller

By Linda Robison

Recently on a Rachael Ray show called the Human Lab Segment, she had her audience members test out several anti-aging creams and devices and had them report back in a few weeks with their results. She also had a guest panel that included Dr. Loretta Ciraldo from the University of Miami to evaluate each product.

The one anti-aging device that received great reviews was the derma roller, a small device that contains 192 steel points and looks more like a torture device than a anti-aging device.

Research On The Derma Roller

The derma roller is one of the newest natural home remedy for removing wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, black heads, and white heads. It also encourages collagen production, which is called Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). Studies show that when the needles of the derma roller are rolled over the skin it causes the skin to launch into repair mode by increasing collagen production. This is something that everyone over 40 could use.

Studies performed by on 600 people with aging skin and acne scars found that there was a 60% reduction in scars and incredible 40% improvement in skin rejuvenation. Research suspect that the increased collagen production from the puncture wounds created by the derma roller is what help to fill in depressed scars, reduce and smooth out stretch marks and fill in lines and wrinkles.

How the Derma Roller Works: When you roll this device over the skin it makes small puncture wounds into the very upper layer of the skin. This cause the body to begin production of collagen fibers, elastin, and other skin cells which is what helps to fill in lines, wrinkles, remove stretch marks fill in deep pitted scars. That's why the derma roller is one of the best acne scar treatments.

In addition, the derma roller allows for optimum absorption of any anti-aging cream you may use afterwards. Each time you use the derma roller, the collagen building effects continue for weeks , helping to smooth out stretch marks, acne scars, and fine lines and wrinkles, its one of the best home remedies for wrinkles that's actually backed by science.

One of the best advantages of the derma roller is that its non-invasive and doesn't require healing or downtime like other skin rejuvenating techniques. And its also safe for men and women of color; this is also an issue when considering chemical or laser peels.

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Information about Thin Hair and Hair Loss

By Jennifer Summers

A concern not only experienced by men but by a growing number of women is Alopecia, or the excessive and abnormal loss of healthy hair. Disturbing situations and genetics can be the cause of hair thinning and loss and also by hormonal ups and downs, too much physical force or lack of good nutrition. An important first step is discussing hair loss with your doctor. There is a selection of treatments on offer these days that make hair loss or thinning hair more bearable. For thousands of people globally, everyday is a "bad hair" day because of the dilemma of thinning hair or baldness. These factors affect both men and women, hair thinning and loss usually occurs for:

Men A thinning crown or receding hair line is the most common pattern of hair loss. Hair loss occurs due to the presence of a derivative or by-product of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone can shrink the hair follicles and has a greater effect in the mid-anterior scalp and temples. Some types of male hair loss are:Acute diffuse alopecia - occurs from physical or psychological factors such as hormones, nutritional deficiencies or medications.Chronic Diffuse Alopecia - can occur due to nutritional, metabolic or endocrine issues. Androgenetic Alopecia - occurs due to genetic sensitivity to male hormones. This rarely affects women.

Women Hormonal fluctuations, ie during pregnancy, childbirth or use of some methods of contraception can result in hair thinning and loss. Also experienced by females: Traction alopecia - this is caused by harsh hair styles, for example ponytails that are pulled too tight, cornrows, braiding or too frequent use of hair extensions. These actions pull at your hair over time but loss can be helped if recognized and dealt with early on. Anagen effluvium - this is due to chemotherapy. The matrix of the hair becomes broken and results in the hair shaft narrowing, eventually splintering.

You can minimize or even stop hair thinning or loss, if you identify the symptoms early enough, by using a variety of pharmacy or store treatments such as: a). A weekly use, leave-in scalp treatment made with essential oils - oils such as lavender and orange will relax and unblock hair follicles to promote growth, regulate oil production and maintain cell repair. b). Daily vitamin supplement - look for ones labelled especially for hair and/or nails and are fortified with Vitamin B3 (niacin), this protects the hair shaft, and antioxidants, to ward off damage from free radicals. c). Use a hair shampoo that has "energizing/revitalizing/fortifying/" on the label. This type of hair shampoo will feed and protect your existing hair whilst eliminating oils that can block the follicles and prevent re-growth. Allow approximately 6-8 weeks before expecting to see any firm results. Like any treatment, results can vary and may to need to be used on a prolonged basis.

Methods to disguise thinning hair and hair loss: Perhaps it is time to think of some techniques to hide your hair loss if you are unhappy with your thinning hair. Whether you are a man or a woman losing hair due to heredity, stress, medication or a medical condition you can use these tips to help you cope. Use a Specific Thickening Shampoo or Conditioner for your Hair Using a specific hair thickening shampoo and/or conditioner that is intended to conceal hair loss by ensuring the hair appears to be thicker and more voluminous. After shampooing and conditioning make sure that you brush your hair gently to halt the loss of more hair. Before combing or brushing your hair permit it to dry thoroughly.

Styling Techniques If your hair is not as thick as it once was, there are a number of hair styling methods and hair styling products that can be employed to keep your hair looking its best at any age. Try to avoid hair gels as they only matte your hair and highlight your hair loss. Instead use hair texturizing creams and lotions that give you volume and fullness. Another good option is to use a leave-in hair conditioner that can make your hair emerge more textured and fuller. For a fuller look try blow drying your hair - For hair that is getting thin on top, try blow drying after you have washed and conditioned, then comb your hair in front directly back. Use mousse or a light hair spray to maintain the style. The blow drying will stop your hair from matting together and looking thinner.

Hair extensions are a quick and simple method Use a professional hair salon to get natural human hair added to your hair. This may last you for several weeks or several months. Hair extensions are used for women and men, with thick long hair to camouflage the fact that they are losing hair, and are an easy way to change your look.

Blow-dry your Hair Consider blow drying if your hair is thinning on top to give it added texture and body and to give your head more coverage. Brush it into a quiff on top of your head by brushing it from the forehead up. Maintain the style with a little hairspray. If your hair is thinning throughout, this is a good way to make your hair look fuller. Guys -Get a Buzz Cut Sports stars, actors, and businessmen all use the buzz cut as a way to hide the fact that they are losing hair. It is a popular, classy style that is easy to maintain. Buy yourself a wet-dry electric razor to groom your scalp daily and remove the hairs you have left for a clean look. If you're stressed about losing your hair or if your hair is starting to thin, visit your barber or hairdresser and ask for advice on a new hairstyle. There are plenty of styles to select that will allow you to look your very best.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is There A Connection Between Diabetes and Hair Loss?

By Andy Rowde

If you have a diabetes condition and suddenly start losing your hair, there is a possibility that you may be experiencing a diabetes-related hair loss. A careful look at the basic information and facts about hair loss and diabetes may help us understand better why there might be an actual connection between the two.

Hair Basics

Let us first examine and understand both the human hair and diabetes' basic facts to help us better understand how the two may be related. Although the human head hair seemingly has no obvious function other than for appearance, it is still stands to benefit or suffer from anything that is going in on any other parts of your body.

The hair actually has a root and a hair follicle located in the scalp from which hair strands grow and are nourished. The best way to naturally nourish the hair is through the bloodstream which transports hair nourishing nutrients to the scalp. Insufficient intake of nutrients or poor blood circulation may therefore affect hair growth and health.

Hair Loss

Not all cases of hair loss in diabetic persons may be attributed to diabetes alone. It is only a possibility. It is therefore important to seek out the real cause of hair loss in your condition through the process of eliminating other possible causes before tagging diabetes as its cause.

Just like diabetes, hair loss is also affected by genetic factors. It is estimated that 95% of people who suffer from hair loss have androgenetic alopecia which is a hair loss condition that is brought about by genes and hormonal activity. Check first if you have this before thinking of the possibility of diabetes. However, since both conditions have genetic components, you may want to take a look at the rest of your family members and relatives. Balding relatives who are also diabetic may indicate that you may share a similar future.

Diabetes and Hair Loss

The link between hair loss and diabetes may be best identified by examining the nature of diabetes and what it does to the body. Diabetes is the body's condition in which people either cannot produce the insulin that our body needs or cannot respond properly to it. When a person has a diabetes condition, glucose cannot always enter the body cells to provide it with the energy it need. Since there is an excess of unused glucose, it will start accumulating in the bloodstream. Along with high blood sugar levels, fat deposits may now also begin to attach on blood vessel walls, ultimately clogging blood passageways. When blood passageways are clogged, improper blood flow and poor circulation circulation ensue.

As mentioned, the hair's key for growth and nutrition lies in the bloodstream. Having poor blood circulation could mean poor hair health. In addition to this, poor blood flow can also result to skin irritations and infections among diabetics. And since scalp is still part of our skin, it is also stands to suffer from poor blood flow, resulting to hair loss.

Dietary Conditions

You may have a more difficult time dealing with hair loss if this is caused by diabetes compared to an ordinary hair loss condition. In an ordinary hair loss condition, the problem may be treated with nutritional supplements and proper diet. However, diabetes is causing your hair loss, you will have to stick to a diet that is more proper as a diabetic rather than a person suffering from a hair loss. The best thing to do in such case, therefore, is for you to consult your doctor for a proper dietary plan before tackling your hair loss condition.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baldness Remedy

By John J. Johnson

Some balding men may feel proud of their baldness, feeling a kindred relationship with famous charismatic bald men, such as Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Patrick Stewart, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Michael Chiklis, Telly Savalas or Larry David.

The effects / symptoms of baldness, alopecia and hair loss are different in males and females. Hair loss and baldness are not considered health problems, but for some individuals, it has disturbing emotional and psychological effects.

In Ancient Rome, they believed baldness was caused by lack of acidity, which is probably why animal urine was regarded as a pre-eminent hair loss remedy. Baldness is caused by a mixture of genetics and hormones that we have very little control over.

Often baldness and or hair loss is reversible, but it does depend on what actually caused it. Environmental factors can cause baldness, such as exposure to caustic gases, x-rays and pollutants. Whether the baldness is reversible, again depends on what causes it. Some medications can also cause hair loss and premature baldness.

Increased understanding of the role of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in male and female pattern baldness has led to targeted intervention to prevent this hormone from acting on receptors in the scalp.

It is important when considering any hair loss and baldness treatment as to whether the baldness treatment actually works. There are many miraculous cures for baldness and hair loss backed by patient testimonials, but some just don't work in regrowing your hair.

The cause of baldness and hair loss has mainly shifted from genetics to hormones Temporary loss of hair is caused by stress, medicines, vitamins, or hormonal changes, while the permanent loss of hair is caused by a hereditary condition called Androgenetic alopecia, or by damage occurring to the hair follicle and or scalp.

While baldness may be uncomfortable, that doesn't mean that is has to be difficult to live through, and it is getting easier every day. Even though medications to prevent hair loss and baldness are effective, there are alternatives, such as hair replacement surgeries and wigs, should all else fail.

There are several other kinds of baldness. Traction alopecia, for example, is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows who pull on their hair with excessive force. Worrisome hair loss often follows childbirth without causing actual baldness.

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