Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Purpose Of Energy Cording

By Patrice McCoy

If a person is unaware of a cord that has been attached to them, it is impossible to evaluate the scope of control this type of connection can have over one's life. Without this type of conscious awareness, energy cording can have very negative effects, though there are some intentional purposes for which energy cords can be utilized. These positive purposes for exchanging the flow of energy include nurturing (with the other person's consent) and establishing a bond between one's self and one's spiritual guide or source.

There is a very basic and natural energy bond that takes place between a child and a parent. This cord is generally established at birth and can serve a very positive purpose throughout a child's very early developmental stages. As the child grows, however, it is essential that the child-parent energy cord be cut in order to foster a sense of independence in the the child, as well as to promote the proper use of free will. Failure to release a child of their energetic bond to a parent can have negative consequence on the child's development into adulthood.

Consciously establishing and maintaining a connection to source is necessary for the growth and fulfillment of the spirit. By cording with our higher power, we establish a direct line of communication between our spirit and our source, which is the basis of enlightenment. When we experience feelings of isolation or uncertainty, this is a sign that we need to reestablish this connection.

Cording often takes place between lovers, whether consciously or subconsciously. It is for this reason that we often experience difficulties letting go of very intense love affairs, even when we are no longer with that person. By making a conscious effort to cut the cord of connection with a past love, we are then able to move on and open ourselves wholeheartedly to new experiences.

Possessive cording is an unfortunate, yet very real and common, occurrence. This type of bond is generally subconscious, and initiated out of jealously or insecurity on the part of one person trying to gain control over the will of another. For the person to whom the cord is attached, common signs include intense feelings of inadequacy or even fear.

Cords are often established between family members as a means of maintaining a feeling of connection. While this practice may seem harmless on the surface, anytime one's own energy interferes with another's, the result is a lack of freedom and true expression of one's individuality. In the case of familial cording, a web of energetic connections can often result in disharmony.

Many energy cords are established unintentionally. If one is unaware that they are doing this, however, it is impossible to manage the resulting exchange of energy. For the person to whom the cord has been attached it can be very difficult to identify the source of the attachment and, therefore, to free oneself from that cord.

While some cord connections serve a positive purpose for a short time, there are many instances of energy cording which are destined for a negative outcome. The consequences of these energetic connections affect all parties involved. To take control of one's flow of energy, a conscious awareness of these cords is necessary not just for identification of attachments, but also to be able to sever unwanted or unhealthy connections.

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Your Hypnotist Virginia Can Help Relieve Personal And Medical Problems

By Patrice McCoy

With the use of hypnosis treatments a wide range of personal difficulties and medical conditions may be treated. A qualified hypnotist Virginia can be successful when other treatment methods have been unsuccessful. Such therapy can treat irritable bowel syndrome, depression, pain, smoking, weight and stress and other conditions and problems.

Scientific study has confirmed hypnotism works. According to Dr David Spiegel of Stanford University, monitoring its effects inside the brain proved it could change perceptions. But, the hypnotherapist must be qualified and medically trained to be most helpful and useful. A non-medically trained therapist may lack the understanding of the diseases their patients have. This can be unhelpful and could even cause harm

In hypnotherapy, the technique applied creates a connection between the conscious and the subconscious state. An induced trance establishes a state of mind in which the problem is targeted. This can be done through individual interactions between 2 people, or a group. Its variety of applications have shown how this tool can solve many problems.

The uninitiated should understand a trance is really a natural state with narrowly focused attention that is free of outward distractions. Other environmental stimuli are ignored during limited a time period. Many people find the condition is not much different from what they feel otherwise.

Significant changes in the difficulty to achieve goals, relaxation, self confidence, habit control, physical discomfort, motivation, creativity and other problematic conditions can be experienced with therapy. The process is not unnatural. What is experienced on a daily basis when one drifts unconsciously between hypnotic states becomes more disciplined. Basically this procedure is a type of tranquil concentration, of daydreaming under guidance. Individuals experience feelings and imagery that seems authentic to them.

There are many types of hypnotic inductions. They can become instantaneous or rapid over several sessions due to positive expectations and the fact that post hypnotic suggestions for trance have been established. Some people are more susceptible to application of this medium than others. Success stories include operations without anesthetic, quitting smoking, losing weight and getting over a phobia. It is a valuable supplement to standard psychotherapy and medical care. It can be helpful in dealing with dementia.

As a scientist at the University of Liverpool has discovered applications of this therapy enhance the quality of life of patients and slow down the affect of dementia. Research of this condition revealed people who were treated revealed their socialization, memory and concentration improved. Daily actions, motivation and relaxation also benefitted. Evidence demonstrated the patients enhanced the quality of their lives with hypnotherapy.

Your trained hypnotist Virginia begins consultation with an interview to collect information and do some suggestibility testing. Your motivation for change will be discussed. Lasting change requires the decision to apply hypnosis is self directed. In this cooperative and interactive experience the client and therapist together build the hypnotic condition. In this preliminary session, it will be decided what induction method is most suitable and what suggestion will be appropriate in this case. Rapport and trust is built. A feeling of positive expectation becomes set and any false impressions are removed. In each subsequent session there will be an interview to determine the aims and progress. Affirmative, plausible, authentic and reachable objectives shall be acknowledged.

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