Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Things You Have Got To Know About Hair Loss Treatments For Women

By Emile Losley

Not anything can be more disturbing for a female than to see that her hair is falling out much more significantly and quickly than is natural. (Natural is 100-150 strands a day). Each hair grows for a time of two to six years, goes through a quick dormant period and then falls out as the follicle forces through a new hair. When new hairs don't substitute the old or when hair is falling out in clusters or chunks, there is obvious reason for concern.

Female hair loss comes from a variety of causes - some temporary, some permanent. Temporary causes include pregnancy, anxiety and stress, too many strong treatments - coloring, bleaching - too much manipulation, illness, disease, and infections of the scalp. Fortunately, regrowth occurs naturally as these causes dissipate. Permanent hair loss occurs as a result of heredity and hormonal changes and unfortunately is not reversed naturally.

When women start to lose hair it is usually where they tend to part it. Female baldness affects front areas of the scalp initially before causing overall loss and thinning of hair over the whole head. If you are looking for a hair loss treatment for women, these are your options:

1 - Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet which can serve to prevent hair loss.

2 - Exercise increases blood circulation to all areas of the body, the scalp included. Some studies have shown that increased blood circulation to the scalp can assist in the stimulation of follicles to begin to produce hair again.

3 - To help open up your follicles and improve the production of your hair, there are a variety of herbal and oil remedies, mainly available as a topical lotion that is massaged into your scalp. Whether these treatments work really depends on the person using them.

4 - Wigs and hair extensions can provide non-permanent relief for sufferers and, fortunately, these are considered acceptable fashion accessories today.

5 - Many medical products have also been developed specifically for women. Women should be sure to only use hair loss treatments that are geared toward them.

Male hair products are not appropriate for women, and can actually pose a danger during pregnancy. You can acquire medications either OTC or by prescription. Before you use any of these, talk to your doctor. They might interact with other medicines you are taking. You also need to be certain that your hair loss isn't from some other medical condition.

Provillus, FDA approved, has products designed specifically for women. The products effectively stop the loss of hair and aid in regrowth; studies backing the effectiveness can be easily found on the Internet. Also many customer testimonials and reviews are common practice. But, individual results may vary, and one person's results do not necessarily influence your own personal results.

6 - There are also a number of surgical procedures available for women, including transplants and grafts. These are expensive and should be explored carefully before committing to the cost.

Each person has separate tension over hair loss. If your hair loss disturbs you psychologically on a day-to-day basis and you are starting to avoid normal public activities because of embarrassment, you should feel responsible to take remedial courses and opt for hair loss treatments for women. Life must be relished!

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How Important Is It To Watch For The Early Signs Of Balding?

By Peter Albertson

If your forebears such as your father or grandfather had a bald spot then chances are that you may well develop one as well, so it's very important to watch for the early signs of balding. There are now well recognized ways of treating hair loss but it is always better to catch it early. Even excellent modern hair restoration treatments cannot grow hair on a bald head.

Most hair loss suffered by males is a result of male pattern baldness or what is scientifically known as androgenic alopecia. This condition is inherited from previous members of your family, however it is not true to say that if your father or grandfather suffered from baldness you will too.

Although male pattern baldness is genetic not all those with previous family members to a bald will suffer it, but despite this it certainly pays you to keep an eye out that the early signs of baldness if there is baldness in your family.

It has been known for a long time that hair loss in men is mostly genetic but the mechanism by which the loss of hair recurred was unknown. But science has more recently discovered exactly what causes the hair loss for those suffering male pattern baldness.

It is DHT that causes the hair loss. DHT is a male sex hormone there are responsible for the development of hair in men in puberty and it looks like those who suffer from male pattern baldness are prone to developing too much DHT will stop

What DHT does is attach itself to the base of their hair follicle and in effect strangle the hair by robbing it of essential nutrients important for growth. The way to reverse this problem is to inhibit the action of DHT and to provide optimum nutrition to the hair follicles.

Science has now discovered how DHT works and there are now successful hair loss treatments approved by the FDA. However as mentioned it is always important that you monitor your hair and look for the early symptoms of hair loss.

The signs of balding include hair receding at the temples, thinning hair and the probable development of a bald patch on the crown of the head. The signs and the pattern of hair loss will vary from male to male.

Whilst there are excellent hair restoration treatments available you still most important to watch for the early signs of hair loss in the mirror each morning. The faster you spot the signs of balding a quick you get onto treatment of the more successful it will be.

The best hair loss treatment combines the use of minoxidil, an FDA approved hair loss treatment, with optimum hair nutrition taken orally so that the essential nutrients required by the hair for optimum health are available.

Buying a course combining minoxidil with the correct hair nutrients works well. To find out where to source these products visit my website.

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