Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baldness - Characterization, Prevention and Treatment

By Daryl B. Chapman

What is hair loss?

Hair loss may possibly begin as a few strands of hair in the sink and later on might progress to withdrawing hair line and bare scalp. Most people shed 50-100 hairs a day. But with 100,000 hairs in the scalp, that amount of hair loss won't be noticeable. Gradual thinning is part of aging, then again hair loss may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of re-growth, when new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when hair comes out in patches.

Baldness or hair loss can be ancestral, caused by a number of medications or an underlying medical problems. Any person-men, women, children - can develop hair loss. Other causes of alopecia include poor nutrition, hormonal changes, hair treatments, scalp infection, or trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder).

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. According to medical studies, the most widespread type of alopecia is pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. It affects 1/3 of men and women and is characteristically permanent just like the circatricial (scarring) alopecia. Circatrial alopecia is a rare condition that occurs when inflammation damages and scars hair follicles causing permanent hair loss. Other types of alopecia includes alopecia areata (small, round. Smooth patches), telogen effluvium (triggered by aggravation or ailment), traction alopecia (cause by regularly wear of hairstyle, pobytails, braids or tight rollers) and anagen effluvium (growing hair affected by chemotherapeutic drugs).

How to avoid hair loss?

If one observes that sudden hair loss, consultation with a doctor is a necessity. It can signal an underlying medical condition that may need immediate medical attention.

In order to come up with an accurate medical diagnosis, a thorough medical history and family history, in combination with a complete physical exam must be warranted. The pattern, rate of hair loss, the appearance of nearby hairs, and accompanying symptoms are considered. Some test may be done before treatment, such as Pull test, skin scrapings, punch biopsy and screening tests for related diseases.

Unfortunately, baldness whether permanent or temporary cannot be cured. On the other hand, hair loss treatments are available to help encourage hair growth or hide hair loss.


Like any other medications, the treatment modalities for baldness depends on the cause, extent and the patient's response. The following are different types of medication that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration:

1. Minoxidil (Rogaine) - an over-the-counter medicine approved to treat androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. It is a liquid or foam that can be rub into your scalp two times every day to grow hair and to avoid further loss.

2. Finasteride (Propecia) - a prescription pill to be taken every day. It prevents the conversionof testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which is accountable to the shrinking of follicles. Like minoxidil, its advantages stops once discontinued. It is only endorsed for men.

3. Corticosteroids - injection of corticosteroids to scalp to treat alopecia areata. Pills may be prescribed for severe hair loss.

4. Anthralin (Dritho-scalp) - available as either cream or ointment, to encourage growth of hair for cases such as alopecia.


1. Hair transplant - techniques such as pinch grafts, minigrafts, micrografts, slit or strip grafts are available to cure androgenic alopecia. A dermatologist or aesthetic surgeons take tiny plugs of skin, each containing one to some hairs, from the back of the scalp. The plugs are then fixed into the bald sections.

2. Scalp reduction - the skin of the scalp is outstretched enough for some of it to be surgically removed. The space now is closed with hair-covered scalp.

These measures are luxurious and treacherous. If one is considering this approach of treatment, it is a must to consult with a board certified dermatologist.

Wigs and Hair Pieces

An alternate to medications and surgery is sporting wigs or hairpieces to cloak the bald area. Quality, real-looking hairpieces and wigs are available in the market.

Definitely, there are a lot of ways on how to present and manage baldness. It is critical to be wise and consult first with your medical doctor before making any health related decisions.

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Actually Do Awesome Gents End Up Last

By Relvis Presley

Though many women tell you she is seeking nice guys for a marriage, lots of people are still drawn to the bad boys for excitement, fun and mystery they represent. But does this change mean nice guys lack the opportunity when it comes to love?

Hardly. However, we have to clarify what it is to be considered a nice guy.

Nice isn't boring. Although we tend to associate nice with boring, they are not identical. A guy can be nice in addition to engaging, interesting, and surprising. To me, a boring man doesn't contribute to the conversation while he has nothing new to say, just isn't interested in learning the world around him, and has a tendency to trust what a woman says or wants. This won't win any hearts, guys. Boring won't help a relationship last.

Nice is just not shy. Lots of women equate nice with shy in relation to men. If your man is too intimidated to approach a lady, ask her out, or demonstrate to her his affection, his shyness is hindering his dating magnetism. Nice guys do show their interest and attraction inside a woman and so they aren't afraid to approach.

Nice is just not needy. If the woman sees a man is sending her flowers, presents, and calls or texts her repeatedly per day, she'll start getting weary. Pursuing women doesn't suggest you must prove yourself plus your worth being a partner continuously by showering her with affection and gifts. This shows insecurity, that is not popular with women. Nice guys show affection, compliment, and pursue a woman they may be enthusiastic about, nonetheless they aren't needy.

Nice is considerate and respectful. If your man shows respect towards women he dates,he is thoughtful, which is considerate of her feelings, he could be as being a nice guy. They're traits that a lot of women are interested in for long-term partnerships, rather than the men who don't return phone calls or keep women guessing about their intentions.

While bad boys could possibly be appealing to women for a while, it is the nice ones who finish first, regarding successful long-term partnerships.

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Romantic Tips That Will Brush Her Off Her Feet

By David J. Barnes

To be romantic is either natural or acquired. There are people who express love as natural as waking up in the morning but some are unlucky who are clueless of what to do. But if you are one of the unlucky persons, a simple training will surely change the way you are.

One very important technique to be transformed into a romantic guy is to listen and accept suggestions from people who are expert with it. Show interest and be attentive in what they say through interactions.

Talk to romantic people and ask them questions on what are the right things to do to become one of them. Show them you are very eager to learn tactics to express your love in the most romantic way.

Simple things done with love and appreciation are romantic actions that could mean a lot to the person special to you. Picking her up from work even if you are very tired or massaging her head when she needed one are examples of them.

Let her know that she is always in your mind by buying things that reminds you of her. A pair of shoes of her favorite brand can be a very romantic gift when you go home from a work related trip.

Be sensitive to what she likes and what she does not like. When she complains of having cramps and pains due to work pressure, then surprise her for a weekend spa.

A surprise always gives pleasure to somebody especially if it happens in an unexpected time. To surprise your loved one even if there is no special occasion will definitely put her in cloud nine.

A photo collection photos made into a lovely scrapbook is another way to express your love. The traditional way is for you to do all the cuttings and pasting works but online services do this sort of stuffs. You can even make it more romantic through the additions of love messages that will surely make her love you more.

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Tips To Shave Off Excess Pounds

By Harry Jackson

Many ways through which you can lose your weight some methods are good and other is bad it all depends on you what to choose. The most common method used to lose weight is to reduce your food. This will reduce your weight fast and shows the result but this method is harmful to your health in the long run.

Metabolism is a constant process but when you eat less it slows down the digesting system, so when someone reduces their quantity of food it gives results by reducing weight, but in the long run it creates a problem for body. However, in the near future when he/she again start eating normal food then the body will have a hard time due to metabolism, which reduces the speed of digestion when you eat less.

To suffer from prolonged lack of food will reduce the vitamin. Diets having only carbohydrates and proteins are really harmful. On the other hand, less food creates the problem of stretch marks on your body.

These marks are hard to disappear and these are fixing spots for the longer period of time and will reduce for beauty. Following are some useful ways to remain fit and to maintain your fitness.

There are so many recommended ways through which you reduce your weight. If you know all exercises regarding fitness than the best way to reduce weight is an exercise, otherwise hire an instructor who will guide you.

Sports like swimming, jumping and use of different equipments are really effective for losing weight. Sports and games are known for the most effective way to get rid from the excessive fats and calories. You can easily reduce your weight by playing some sport regularly.

Omega3 which is in the fish generally is effective for human body, and it will help in reducing weight. On the other hand, when you are reducing weight you have to focus on diet according to exercise instructed by your gym instructor.

Try to control the excess amount of fats, carbohydrates, etc. as these are dangerous for health. Consult your advisor regarding your daily or weekly diet plan, which will reduce your weight in the long run.

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Controlling Your Weight Through Your Eating Pattern

By Liam Miller

If you want to lose your weight up to 20 pounds in one month then I sated you some weight loss tips. These tips can effective without any exercise, so read these tips and make sure these in your daily life.

You should find some ways of motivation for you as replacement for your concentrating on a single objective. So try to think broadly and if you follow whole tips then I am sure that you will lose your weight and always become motivated.

You should have some idea about your ideal health and make it as target. Your fat and cholesterol levels remain same and cardiovascular and diabetes problems also make no tension for you. By following these tips you surely lose some weight and feel yourself good looking as well as good feeling for you. 

If your metabolism is increase then it is possible for you to lose 20 pounds weight with out using any exercise. Spices things can also help you in losing weight.

Using of spicy items can increase your metabolism and it makes you to eat less food. Spicy things help to burn fat more quickly. Studies shows that black pepper, red chili and ginger can increase your metabolism can destroy more calories.

It is common habit of almost every one of us to love some yummy foods and tries hard to eat all of its quantity. These foods are full of cholesterol and fats and this is darker view of our thinking to use such items.

Now you decided to lose 20 pounds your weight just in one month and thinks that these foods are better for your eating or not. According to my point of view you should think first about your weight and then eat anything.

In this job responsibility is an important factor. You can give up some time for this job and later on you realize it in coming years. There are many benefits of a health man and I can tell you about all but it is very difficult for you to realize this.

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