Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Get Over Approach Anxiety

By Jt Tran

Approach anxiety is the fear of rejection that we as human beings naturally possess. It is the equivalent of going up in front of a large audience to speak. However, just like public speaking, your approach anxiety doesn't have to consume you. If the woman you're about to approach is particularly attractive, you will most likely feel the pressure of being rejected.

The good news is that you will eventually get over your approach anxiety as many individuals do. This is only accomplished when you continue to approach and develop the experience necessary to be competent in your approach. For some people, they believe in their minds that there is no reason for why the woman should reject them and so technically they may not be as sound but their confidence shines through.

Many guys will need to believe that they are great enough at approaching women to build the self-confidence to consistently get girls with problem. Here are a few ideas on the best way to get past your approach anxiety:

1.) Keep Approaching

This sounds like a catch 22 but you will be gladly surprised to understand that approaching women repeatedly will ease your approach anxiety. Women are friendly for those who have an optimistic attitude as well as a calm demeanor.

This not only conveys confidence but an attractive aura about you that women are drawn to. Also, it's important to note that there are many men who scare women away because of their lack of social tact.

Remember, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with how you present yourself. When you see every approach as a way to improve you will be well on your way to meeting the woman of your dreams.

2.) Smile

Lots of folks forget to smile. Meeting folks ought to be enjoyable! Girls want to be around a man who makes them feel very good. They do not desire to be around a man whose going to give them negative energy and so if you're genuine with your approach the women will discover that attribute as attractive. Even if you're presently awkward, the straightforward act of a genuine smile will make you appear adorable to women.

Even when you have absolutely nothing to smile about, just force a smile out as it releases endorphins that make you feel better physically and emotionally.

3.) Don't Be So Serious

This isn't a war that we're going into. This is meeting a new friend that may potentially turn into a romantic partner in the future for you. I would imagine that you wouldn't want to be around a person for the rest of your life that makes you miserable. What you convey to the woman the moment you walk up is your state of consciousness at that moment. A person who is relaxed and enjoys their life will demonstrate that in their attitude.

Life is too short to worry about being rejected. There are tons of women out there who will find you attractive if you make the effort to improve yourself. So don't be so hard on yourself and take it easy.

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Know the key factors before seducing women

By Jake Gray

Do you love a woman? Do you want to know what would make you an attractive person in the eyes of the woman you love? If your answer is yes, then you can learn certain techniques, which can help you in your venture. Not every man is born with the qualities that appeal to the women. For those, who do not possess such qualities, there are some methods for seducing women, to help their cause.

Every woman would react in a different manner to each of the techniques and therefore a technique, which is successful on woman, may not help with another. Nevertheless, some of the techniques for seducing women are found effective after years of putting them into practice.

Your mannerisms and physical stance have a very strong bearing in the art of seduction. Sometimes, our body sends out messages non-verbally, which even we are not aware of. An insolent smile, a loving look can send out strong signals that even words cannot achieve.

Another important factor to keep in mind is maintaining eye contact. This means that you should look into their eyes when you are talking to them. Eye contact is often successful than other approaches and is fundamental for seducing women.

Seducing women can also be done by way of flirting, either by touch or by words. It is however important that you tread on this path with care. You should remember not to exhibit aggression. Seduction also plays well if you have the right timing. Making your partner feel comfortable is very important and small talk can get you there.

Another wonderful way to maintain conversation and convey your feelings is by proffering compliments. You can compliment them on their lips, hair, ear and so on. Once you start maintaining eye contact and build up a good rapport, delivering lines of seduction becomes easier.

There are also approval signals that you should look out for. You should forget about the woman who is not responding to your advances. In case, your desired woman does not approve your seduction, you will notice it in their signs. In case, she does not approve, it is better not to keep pestering her.

The art of seducing women is slightly complicated. Every woman has a unique taste. However, with certain techniques you can attain success. An individual's personality can have a strong bearing on the art of seduction.

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Signs Of Male Attraction Will Show If He Truly Likes You

By David Ma

Meeting a man can sometimes a confusing for a woman who does not know the signs of male attraction. You might think he is just great but be unsure about whether he really likes you. One way to tell if he is attracted is by knowing how to look out for these signs. If a girl is unsure she can rest assured that if these signs are present in a relationship, he likes you.

All men are different, however when you are looking for signs that he likes you there are a few generalizations that will always be present. Some are more obvious than others, but regardless they are pretty simple to read. One way of knowing that he is attracted to you is if he watches you when you are reading a book or watching a movie. It means that he finds you attractive and is admiring you.

When he calls you all the time, even just to say hi, it does not mean he is stalking you or checking up on you. It means that he enjoys talking to you and is definitely interested. When he speaks to you of personal things, it means he is opening up and is trusting of you. A guy will only do this with a woman he likes.

When a man introduces you to his friends and family, you can rest assured he wouldn't be doing this is he didn't like you. There are a number of reasons for him doing this, but the most obvious is that he is seeking their approval. He trusts and loves these people and generally considers their opinions to be important. Not only this however, it is a definite signal of attraction and the fact that he wants you to be more prominent in his life.

They do goofy things, like call you silly nicknames and pick-on or tease you. This is his way of flirting with you. They will make small talk, just as an excuse to talk to you, and always give out compliments. A guy who wants to hang out with you is giving you firm signals of attraction. It doesn't matter what you do together, just as long as you can be together then he is happy.

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Learn How To Approach Menopause Naturally

By Liana Badea

Menopause represents a dramatic change is a woman's body, as the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone decline.

Every woman is different, therefore every woman will have a different menopausal experience. Some women start natural menopause in their early forties, others in their fifties.

Some women think of natural menopause as a start of a downhill or a time of loss, because they can't be mothers any more. Fertility is only one part of woman's life. The cessation of her cycle must be seen as a natural and indeed a welcoming change within her body.

There is a psychological process involved in menopause. Modern society values the beauty and femininity associated with everlasting youth, resulting in a cultural devaluation of older women. This is actually the root of negativity associated with menopause. In many other cultures of the world menopause is seen as a positive part of life, when woman achieves respect as an elder member of society.

This cultural view of menopause is directly related to the way a woman will experience her menopause symptoms. A negative view will generate multiple and severe symptoms, while a positive view will create far less frequent symptoms.

Unfortunately, today menopause is treated conventionally with drugs, like hormone replacement therapy. While this therapy has undeniable benefits, like relief from hot flashes and reduced bone loss, it does increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and liver diseases.

Menopause is natures contraceptive, not a disease and the whole idea of supplementing or artificially replacing those hormones after the fertility cycle is over is contrary to nature and contrary to health.

Today's technology provides access to a huge amount of information on health issues. Women are getting educated about their choices on how to approach menopause. Majority of them are choosing the alternative medicine, as numerous natural prescriptions are available to help relieve menopause symptoms without any side effects.

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Ideas When Using Concealers

By Jo A. Borton

Don't be confused between a concealer and a foundation. Some people still don't know what concealer can do. While foundation functions to make your skin face even and it is spread out evenly in the whole face, concealer is applied to mask discolored spot in your skin like insect bites, fungal infections or small scratch.

Hence, concealers are only applied to the area or areas where you want to conceal something. Both are external products which can be used in the skin and should not be used together. If you want to look prettier with even face skin texture, foundation is ideal to use.

Otherwise if you need concealer, then go for it but be careful because not all of them can agree with your skin color that might make your blemishes look worse. You can check out on some of the best suggestions on making the right choice.

Your concealer's shade should be on the lighter side of your skin. Application of a very different shade of concealer from your skin tone won't conceal your black spots but rather it makes them more noticeable.

The types of concealers you buy depends color of spots you have to hide. The liquid type gives best results to dark colored spots while the powdery type give best results to the light colored spots.

If you buy the wrong shade of the concealer, it will only enhance the blemishes instead of covering them. Do not opt for the pink, green and white shades but go for the yellow one.

To try several products available is advisable to compare which one suits you. Or better ask for some hints from people who know more about it.

To make yourself more attractive with a perfect and flawless skin, choose the product that suits you best.

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