Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Biggest Question Of Balding Men. Does Minoxidil Work?

By Peter Albertson

Around 4 in 7 will be extremely interested in the answer to the question does minoxidil work. Somewhere around 4 in 7 men it is estimated will suffer from some form of thinning hair during their lives and it's likely that most of them would be interested to find an effective baldness treatment.

Many of these men would consider buying minoxidil because it is one of only 2 products that the FDA has approved for use as a baldness treatment. The other is finasteride which is marketed under the brand name Propecia and this is recommended for use as a balding treatment for men only. Minoxidil is the only hair loss product approved by the FDA for use by women.

So it makes sense to ask the question does minoxidil work before you decide to buy minoxidil for your thinning hair. Unfortunately it is not entirely clear, the answer is yes and no. There's little doubt, given that the FDA has approved minoxidil as a hair loss treatment that it works. But equally it is true to say that minoxidil doesn't work for everybody.

Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of minoxidil in cases of balding, for example in the April 2004 edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. There are 2 strengths that are available, 2% and 5% and it is generally thought, and backed up by studies, that the 5% solution is more effective, including for women even though it is only the 2% solution that is recommended for them.

However there are some more considerations to take into account when considering whether you should buy minoxidil. An example is that whilst minoxidil is known to work on the top and apex of the scalp it is generally not considered to work on a receding hairline at the front. And it is equally important to understand that whilst it may work for you you must continue using it to maintain their hair regrowth and that discontinuing use will recommence the advancing problem of thinning hair.

It is also important to understand that it takes some time for the effects of applying minoxidil to be seen and many people who maintain that it did not work for them probably discontinued use too early. It can take from 2 to 4 and anywhere up to 6 or more months before the results are noticeable and even if it's working for you the results are not fast.

However it's equally true to say that there is no hair loss product including finasteride that works for everybody, works all over the head and which works even after use is discontinued.

Fortunately there is one very clever company that has combined a range of essential hair nutrients taken orally with the use of minoxidil to maximise the chances of optimum hair regrowth. As the major cause of thinning hair is poor nutrient supply minoxidil will improve the ability of the hair follicle to absorb nutrients but supplying all the essential nutrients will maximize the chances for hair regrowth.

So what is the answer the question does minoxidil work? Yes it works but not for all and with some qualifications. However for any man or woman experiencing thinning hair it is well worth a try.

To find out which clever company combines essential hair nutrients with minoxidil vist my website to find the best hair loss treatment.

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A Review Of Provillus Hair Loss Treatment

By Mike Arminger

Using the product- Before you initiate treatment with a specific product, it's always recommended that you check out what other users have to say about the product first. If you are thus planning to use Provillus check out my Provillus Review first.

As with any oral hair loss treatment, Provillus quickly forms part of your daily recommended intake and general routine. The treatment comprises in its entirety of simply taking one pill twice daily. It's of course best to take it with food, while there aren't any reported side effects in terms of stomach aches and pains,

A topical alternative is also available. Provillus topical lotion should also be applied twice daily, and must preferably be applied to a dry scalp. A small amount of lotion is applied and gently massaged into the scalp. Lotion should initially be used sparingly, until the exact amount necessary to cover entire head is determined.

Results- Results should be visible within two month uninterrupted use, exactly as directed. The number one cause of hair loss treatments failing is the fact that products are not used as prescribed or directed.

Provillus also adds a 90 day guarantee to your purchase; you should thus be able to determine if the product is actually working for you as an individual before this period ends. If no or only very little results are visible, Provillus can be contacted directly and a purchase refund requested.

Side effects- To date no side effects have been noted. Although another reviewer mentioned slight scalp irritation during initial use as a result of Provillus topical lotions' high alcohol content.

My verdict on Provillus- The product tops my list of best hair loss treatments for two reasons, firstly a supplement and topical lotion are combined to treat hair loss and secondly, Provillus contains Minoxidil which is a tried, tested and proven hair loss treatment.

Mentioned facts combined with the products' money back guarantee, makes Provillus a hair loss treatment that's surely worth a try.

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Make Use Of Hair Loss Restoration Therapies To Regrow A Head Of Hair

By John Farikani

Worried about going bald? Learn about hair loss restoration advance that can help to eliminate the issue in the minds of men and women these days. It's true that this problem seems to afflict most men at some point in their lives, especially when they begin to notice a receding hairline or pattern baldness, but it can also affect women, which is something not many women take the time to consider.

The problem with hair loss is that many men and women refuse to believe it could happen to them or don't want to see it when it actually does begin. The sad fact of the matter is that it can happen to anybody, though men and women deal with it by refusing to accept the fact or by thinking there's nothing they can do about it at any rate. This is a mistaken belief, though.

It might comes as a surprise to a great many people, but new treatments and therapy regimens have come on the market that show great promise in helping to bring back hair that's been thought to be lost permanently. Happily, none of these new therapies require surgeries or other medical interventions. That surely has to be an improvement, and wouldn't many men and women like to learn more? The answer seems to be clear.

Today, new breakthroughs in hair loss restoration capabilities means that it's now possible to consistently replace hair lost to pattern baldness or receding hairlines. Understanding of how certain herbs, vitamins and minerals can work together to stimulate hair growth along with the application of an FDA-approved medication hold the key to gradual restoration of scalp hair.

How it's accomplished is simple enough, for the most part. A system that consists of a twice-daily supplement that's composed of certain proportions of natural substances and the application on the scalp of a substance that contains Minoxidil, which is FDA-approved and proven to regrow hair, is all that's needed. Soon enough, new hair will begin to appear.

Be warned, however; such systems may not be for everybody nor are they generally for impatient persons who need results as soon as possible. For those, maybe surgeries are the way to go. But for men and women who want a subtle, gradual filling in of bald spots or a systematic growth of hair into a formerly-receding hairline, then hair loss restoration therapies may be the way to go.

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Female Scalp Hair Loss A Source Of Shame

By Mike Jones

Why is it that men can get away with scalp hair loss and women can't? There are jokes galore about balding men, but a balding woman? Hair is a girl's crowning glory. It's part of who she is. Hair is something that women fuss over every hour of the day and spend lots of money on.

In psychological studies regarding hair loss in both men and women, men felt concern and stress about their thinning hair, but women suffer extreme loss of self-esteem. A women's sense of self can be tied up in her hair and she can be sensitive to how she is perceived by others.

When men find that they're losing their hair, there's a vast network of hair restoration places, products and family to offer them support. A man's wife can pat her husband's hand and reassure him that he's still a real 'man'. But when a woman starts losing her hair, no one will joke about it or look for a silver lining. They don't have a support system. It's a cause for shame.

Just look at the number of male actors and political figures that have lost their hair yet are idolized for being handsome. Women don't have such role models. You won't find a woman with thinning hair featured in the pages of a glossy magazine because it's too unfeminine. There's been the odd famous woman who has lost her hair due to cancer, but we offer our sympathy and support because it's an illness, not a black mark against their femininity. More awareness about female scalp hair loss is definitely in order.

There are more causes for female hair loss than for men. Women can lose their hair after giving birth due to hormone changes. Other hormone deficiencies such as hypothyroidism can cause hair to thin. Excessive chemical treatments and tight hair styles such as corn rows can cause damage or obsessive compulsive disorders can cause women to pluck out their hair.

But if a woman loses her hair due to genetics or alopecia, which is what male pattern baldness is all about, that loss of hair means loss of control. That philosophy goes along with hair thinning due to the aging process, too.

There are a variety of hair care products that have produced dramatic results in women and men. However, women should run to their dermatologist if they suspect hair loss is not temporary. A treatment program can be recommended after a consultation which could include a treatment program with a hair restoration specialist.

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