Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hair Loss Products - Finding Something Reliable Before It's Too Late

By John Farikani

Hair has been falling out ahead of schedule for eons. It's not even limited to the human race! Check out some old chimps or even an old lion and you'll obvious signs of aging including bald patches. Even ancient Egyptian pharaohs suffered from it, and nothing much has changed even into the 21st century. Hair loss products exist, but differ greatly in levels of success.

Hair loss can be triggered by a number of factors including heredity and vitamin deficiency. Many people wait until it's almost too late before deciding they need help, and by the time they get some medical advice their only options are expensive and painful surgical procedures, or pills and ointments that have little effect on late stage balding.

You know the signs. Your brush needs more frequent cleaning or your shower drains are getting clogged with hair. If you are in denial you're probably blaming it on your wife, or even the fact that you gave you dog a bath... Look again. It's your hair, and it won't stop falling out on its own.

Head to see your regular doctor first before heading to a hair replacement clinic. He can run some simple tests to check for hormone and vitamin levels. Something as simple as too much testosterone can create a free radical type substance called HDT which actively seeks out hair follicles to shrink them and ultimately cause so much scar tissue, they can no longer grow hair.

A vitamin B deficiency can be equally devastating but easily dealt with. A few weeks with some pharmaceutical grade dosages and you could see improvement. Vitamin B is needed for basic cellular sustenance, and is a very important nutrient for your hair and follicles.

For more severe cases, there are oral medications and topical ointments that pretty much all do and promise the same thing. Results vary widely. Some people see improvement in hair growth almost immediately; others use the products for almost a year without seeing any significant improvement at all. A few even complain that hair grew in the wrong place such as on their feet.

These products can be expensive and when it comes to any type of oral medication prescribed for hair loss, there are serious side effects that need to be noted such as sexual dysfunction, migraine headaches, chest pains, blood clots or even anaphylactic shock. Each person needs to decide how much they want to spend and what type of effort they want to endure in order to see what might be very disappointing results.

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Treating Rapid Hair Loss In Women Without The Hats And Scarves

By John Farikani

It can be totally shocking to wake up one morning and realize that you are suddenly one of the millions of victims of rapid hair loss. It seems like just a few days ago you had a healthy head of hair. Sure, you noticed that you were leaving some behind in the shower and a little behind in your hair grooming products, but now it looks like you've last at least 25% of your original thickness. How did this happen? And how did it happen so quickly?

When rapid hair loss strikes, it usually strikes pretty hard and fast, leaving no prisoners in its wake. Some men and women report that they are losing their hair so quickly that they can literally run their fingers through their own scalp and come away with chunks of their own hair that is coming out by the roots.

So what do you do? Are there any revolutionary new treatments on the market or do you have to sneak off and try to find suitable hats, scarves, and other head coverings? Start with the basics and then work your way up from there. The most revolutionary concept in treatment for hair health is the value of nutrition.

For anyone who is struggling to keep their own natural growing hair one of the first checklists you need to deal with is a dietary checklist. Lots of whole foods and no processed foods (the food that comes out of a box) should become a priority.

The "healthy hair" vitamins and minerals include zinc, magnesium, folic acid, niacin, and several members of the Vitamin B family. B6, B7, and B12 are all part of the "healthy hair" family of nutrients that need to be added to your diet.

In some cases, Minoxidil can help the situation. This will not be true for all forms of rapid hair loss. Minoxidil helps those who are suffering from thinning and balding hair thanks to a hormone known as DHT. If the hormone DHT is responsible for your hair problems, then Minoxidil should be able to fight it. If there are other issues in play (like nutrition or illness) then you have to take a different tack.

These include Vitamin B 7, B 6, and B 12, niacin, magnesium, folic acid, and zinc. You'll have to ask your family physician how much of each supplement is appropriate for your body weight and type. Add in a natural root stimulator and within a few short weeks you should be able to see noticeable improvement when it comes to rapid hair loss.

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Learn On Line Products For Hair Loss That Work

By John Farikani

Are you experiencing hair loss or baldness symptoms? Men and women have always been concerned about hair loss. This is reflected in the numerous products for hair loss that are available today. Some are topical while others are taken orally. Depending on the extent of the hair loss problem, there are several types of products one can choose from.

Amino acids are a common component for many hair loss products. They are considered hair vitamins. Specific amino acids that have been found to be beneficial to the growth of hair are cysteine, cystine, arginine, lysine and methionine. The products are either taken orally or applied topically.

Similar to amino acids, products using thymosin as the active ingredient also reverses balding. The difference is it does not just make the follicles healthier; rather, it promotes hair follicle cell growth.

Also focusing on the revival of hair follicles are products that use copper peptides. Copper is a nutrient that also promotes hair growth. There are products that are applied by spraying the solution onto the scalp; while others are available as shampoo and conditioner.

There is also a component called Minoxidil that is available under several brand names. These are available in tablets or formulas. Minoxidil products have been proven to be effective in controlling baldness; however, its effectiveness stops once medication is stopped. Therefore, the products have to be used for a lifetime. Also, some side effects should be taken note of. Users have shown symptoms of light-headiness and irregular or rapid heartbeat. Itching of the scalp is a major problem. This is due to the alcohol in the products that causes scalp dryness. Another important consideration is that it is only effective for central baldness; and no longer works when the area of baldness is already big.

For the fans of herbal medicine, there are also supplements from Mother Nature that may come to your aide. These supplements have the necessary hair building blocks. Examples are proteins like lecithin, minerals like zinc or silica and essential fatty acids from fish oil.

Many products for hair loss are advertised very well. Of course, each will claim to be the best. To minimize the risk of purchasing a product that has been falsely advertised, choose one that has been Food and Drug Administration approved. Choose one with a guarantee. At least, you get your money back when the product does not work for you. If the manufacturer or dealer is willing to give back the money to unsatisfied customers, then the product must really work.

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Always Look, First Of All, For Natural And Safe Ways To Go About Preventing Hair Loss

By John Farikani

Preventing hair loss in ways that avoid harsh chemicals or potentially harmful drugs can be very important to those who have begun to experience the loss of scalp hair. The first thing they need to understand, though, is that there are usually genetic or environmental factors that contribute to what medical professionals call alopecia. If not addressed, alopecia can eventually cause baldness.

For most men and women, the onset of alopecia can be traced back to several limited factors. In almost all cases, such factors have an androgenic component, which means that there are usually hormones in the body responsible for creating loss. Hair follicles on the scalp become abnormally sensitive to a certain hormone named dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which contributes to alopecia.

Androgenic alopecia is more commonly known as male pattern baldness, though women are just as likely to suffer from it as men. In some studies conducted by exercise physiologists, the overabundance or under abundance of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone after intense aerobic exercise has been linked to androgenic alopecia, though other studies seem to dispute this finding.

At any rate, many men and women are confronted with a gradual loss of the hair on top of their heads and quite often become alarmed by it. There are ways, though, to help prevent such loss these days. New products -- mostly natural in nature -- have come onto the market that show great promise in helping men and women to keep what they already have on their heads and maybe even add a little bit more to it.

Most of these new products are composed mainly of vitamins, herbs and minerals into supplements that are taken orally. Additionally, they are combined with the topical application of the FDA-approved medication called Minoxidil. This new medication has been shown to be efficacious in helping to stave off or even reverse the loss of scalp hair.

Those who suspect or fear that they will become victims of androgenic alopecia (and they might want to look at their close relatives to get an idea of whether or not they are susceptible to it) can begin taking certain of these vitamins and herbs along with Minoxidil as soon as they begin experiencing hair loss. No longer do people need to suffer through patchy or missing hair on the scalp.

Preventing hair loss in ways that avoid harsh chemicals or potentially harmful drugs should, therefore, be high on the list of items to consider by those who have begun to experience the effects of androgenic alopecia or, more commonly, male pattern baldness. Men and women suffer from it in equal numbers, though it no longer has to be thought of as being an irreversible condition.

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Is It Still Possible To Find An Effective Hair Loss Treatment Today?

By Mike Jones

With the many fake products revolving around hair loss treatment in today's day and age, it really is no surprise if you have stopped trusting hair loss industries that promise to provide you with miracle cures for your hair loss. Whether or not you have been a victim to these industries in the past, the overall prevalence of unreliable sources of hair loss treatment is enough to scare anybody away from what they have to offer.

However, can this perception actually be justified in today's day and age? Do real treatments actually exist that sufferers may rely on with hopes of stopping their premature loss of hair? Of course there are.

Several kinds of hair loss treatment can be found in today's market that are not just accessible and cheap, but safe and effective, as well. Some of them are FDA-approved for total hair loss treatment, while others continue to rely on more natural remedies and cures for hair loss treatment. Either way, you can find out whether they are suitable for you based on various important factors.

Firstly, individuals need to find out the actual causes of their loss of hair. Although this may seem like a very simple statement, it is actually quite hard to do. The majority of people who make use of hair loss treatment have done so merely after self-diagnosis. The fact is that excessive or premature loss of hair may oftentimes be associated with real medical conditions. Therefore, this may not be a very sensible way path to take.

In each case, it would be advisable to ask for help from qualified practitioners of medicine. Without doing this, hair loss could become much more serious. Although evidence might point to genetics when it comes to male pattern baldness, it would still be ideal to ask for medical advice to eliminate any other potential factors for the hair loss that might exist.

After getting the proper diagnosis of hair loss, people can start looking for the ideal hair loss treatment for them. This might range from medical prescriptions that aim to create a balance in hormone levels all the way to topical remedies to reduce the overall symptoms of pattern baldness.

Loss of hair could be caused by a lot of factors, such as changed levels in hormones, illness, excessive traction, bad grooming practices, bad nutrition, stress, use of chemicals, medical side effects, aging effects or a weak immune system. However, there is great news: all of this can be solved with hopes of overall success, as long as you opt for the correct hair loss treatment. Let's hope that you do.

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