Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What Are Some Hair Loss Causes? Find Out Here

By John Farikani

There are many things that can bring about hair loss. There are several hair loss causes that you can find out there when you try and figure out why you may be suffering. This doesn't just happen in men though; many women can also experience hair loss.

Hair loss causes aren't just present in men; there are women and yes even children that will experience hair loss. Sometimes even having a major surgery can trigger the loss of hair. While there are also illnesses that can contribute to the loss of hair.

At times even the process of a major surgery can cause the hair to fall out. And we all know that some treatments for diseases will even cause hair loss. But you may not realize that if you take a vitamin like A and place too much of it in your body, you can suffer hair loss too.

When you have problems with your hormones it can be one of the hair loss causes. Thyroids that are either underactive or even overactive will have your hair falling out. This will happen in both sexes and it can happen when those androgens or even estrogens become out of balance.

Some infections that you suffer from may be hair loss causes even. Children who've suffered from fungal infections can even loss their hair in this case. Many other diseases may actually contribute to your hair loss.

Many doctors will tell you that if you suffer from hair loss and you're not sure why you should get checked out. Sometimes this may be your only warning sign that you are suffering from a certain disease. With that being said you should take care of your health.

We all know that hair loss can also be passed down from generation to generation. We have all seen friends who's parent has become bald, only to see them later on in life also going through the same process of losing their hair.

One thing that has been stated though is if you start to suffer from hair loss, and you're not on medicine or something doing with the other hair loss causes. Please seek out your doctor, because you never know if it may be some sort of indication.

You body may be telling you that you are suffering from a disease that you have no clue of. So please get checked out.

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Is Hair Loss Normal In Adults And Children?

By Ingrid Gillette-Palmer

Everyone has at one time or another, experienced hair loss. You can see your hairs leftover on your brush or in the sink. Men, women, and children can all be affected by hair loss. When is hair loss normal? It is completely common to shed a few hairs daily. There are many different reasons for excessive hair loss.

Many people find that a few months after surgery or an extended illness, their hair falls out in clumps. This is caused by the actual illness and is only temporary. It is caused by the stress of the illness and the actual ailment.

Hormonal imbalances frequently cause excessive hair loss. This can occur when estrogen or androgen is too low. Another disease which causes hormonal imbalance is thyroid disease. This can be caused from an overactive or under active thyroid gland. All of these ailments can be controlled with the proper medication.

Sometimes infections can cause hair loss. Some children develop a fungal scalp infection that causes their hair to fall out. Fungal infections can be treated with anti-fungal medication and this will halt the hair loss. It will take time for the hair to grow back. It takes your hair approximately two to six years to complete the growth cycle.

There are certain medications that may cause you to lose hair. One common cause is chemotherapy for cancer patients. This is extremely hard on your body and the hair loss will stop after the medication is halted. Other medications that may cause hair loss are blood thinners, antidepressants, and birth control pills.

Everyone loses some hair on a daily basis. There are medical factors that may cause your hair to fall out. Some people will experiencing a receding hairline or baldness as they get older. Your doctor can advise you about hair loss and the treatment options that are available.

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Biotin Hair Loss - The Way It Works

By Jim Stevenson

A physician's promoted vitamin used for the handling of hair loss is the Biotin hair loss medicine. Biotin, a B-vitamin, can be found in milk, egg yolk, soy, liver, and other rich foods. This natural dietary supplement will help nails to appear healthful and will help restore hair loss.

To prevent hair loss from happening, 2mg of biotin is recommended by Andrew Lessman. While Biotin is helps mainly with your metabolism, it works really well to combat high cholesterol too.

While biotin effectively maintains the health of your hair, it is best taken with other B-vitamins. Choline, frolic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are included as other B-vitamins.

Our growth and replication of cells depends on biotin, so people suffering with hair loss should use medications with a biotin substance. Biotin releases the energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and it is a complex vitamin used for the production of fatty acids.

Here are biotin's primary sources: kidneys, milk, butter, cheese, poultry, cauliflower, bananas, watermelon, peas, brewer's yeast, nuts, beans, oat bran, and oily fish. In order to avoid hair loss, consume a diet of rich items to provide a balance of biotin.

Some shampoos with biotin can also help stimulate hair growth. One reason why several dermatologists suggest using Biotin supplements is because thousands of calories are needed daily to keep our hair healthy.

The positive effects of Biotin are it helps maintain healthy hair, since it provides protein in the body from rich foods in the diet. The negative effects of Biotin are it hasn't proved to be 100% effective; it is however more effective when taken with other B-vitamins.

Now before running down to the drug store to get a biotin supplement, you should find out more about this vitamin and its side-effects from your physician. Also, if you are already on some other medication, then biotin should be used cautiously. Occasionally people have had bad side-effects from using various supplements, often resulting in biotin deficiency.

Additional hints of Biotin deficiency are nausea, melancholy, and anorexia. As Biotin is a herbal food product you wouldn't presume the supplements to be harmful. But since Biotin isn't FDA-approved, you're trying a Biotin hair loss medicine at your own risk.

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