Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Overcompensating For Hair Loss Can Actually Amplify Hair Loss

By Brian Cassie Dashurst

Many hair loss sufferers are more occupied with the fact that this problem impacts their everyday living than why the problem occurred. It's very understandable. After all, your self image impacts most facets of your life socially and professionally and we do live in an image-driven culture.

We have a natural tendency to become defensive and over react to nearly anything which threatens our appearance. Hair loss is an clear and significant threat to the way we perceive ourselves. It leads to such low self-esteem a lot of people may feel they have got no choice but to overcompensate for the problem. Sadly, they are falling right into a trap and making the matter worse.

In 1997, a researcher followed the lives of over 4300 male hair loss sufferers. The goal of the study would have been to examine elements of their lifestyle which may be causing or accelerating the hair loss. The results were quite interesting.

Compared to men having a full head of hair, these men were 32% more likely to drink over 5 alcoholic drinks each day. They were 151% more likely to smoke cigarettes than men with healthier hair. Normally, these men were 72% very likely to indulge in dangerous habits like driving aggressively and taking physical risks.

All the more interesting were the indicators of health in these men. These men were 25% prone to suffer a serious injury. Worse, they were 76% more likely to have a heart attack.

Consider for a moment the factors which cause hair loss. Hair loss is a direct reaction of a hormone imbalance creating an excessive amount of testosterone and a lot of the testosterone derivative, DHT. Nearly anything which increases testosterone will increase hair loss.

Hormone imbalances occur naturally, but exactly how we care for our body can make a minor imbalance into a major problem. Smoking and drinking prevents the natural production of enzymes which balance and counteract testosterone. Worse, risky and aggressive behavior forces your brain to signal the creation of more testosterone in the body.

These men were struggling with excessive testosterone, yet lived lifestyles which promoted more testosterone. Some men stated they used competitive behavior to feel more masculine and appealing. Other men recognized it as a self-punishment because of their disappointing looks. In just about every case, a man's overcompensation for hair loss created an environment for more significant hair loss.

As an alternative to overcompensating for the problem, why not try to solve it? Why not find a way to reduce testosterone and create a hormonal balance within you? If that sounds like an improved solution than attempting to make you feel better mentally, it's time to find out how to achieve this solution.

One way is to use a detailed program that shows you how to counteract hair loss by blocking the source of the problem, DHT. It shows you a health and fitness program tailored to your body. You'll find out how to achieve your ideal body form, becoming a picture of health that is DHT free. By the end of the program, you'll have learned how to stop hair loss and re-grow hair. More to the point, once you achieve your ideal form and have a thick head of hair, your self image will never be a dilemma again. There is a little black book that can help you at the least slow down the process of hair loss by using just the methods discussed above.

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Doing What Is Right By Permanent Hair Reduction

By Hannah Hamilton

Hair removal will be done by people because it can make them beautiful and clean looking. With various reasons, men and women would undergo this treatment because for them it is utterly important. Most methods of hair removal are not really long lasting. For some people, multiple treatments are required since hair can grow back. A permanent hair reduction is what you should get if you think that your body hair is really annoying and must be removed.

Three years shy of year 2000, lasers were launched as the new tools for cosmetic procedures and these FDA supported gizmos have been on the rise since that time. And in the US, this goes second to Botox. Having been treated for permanent hair reduction, electrolysis is prescribed afterwards.

The theory regarding laser hair reduction is that it uses heat to be able to eradicate the hair follicles' ability to reproduce hair. With that, a light will first infiltrate the skin. What the pigment melanin then does is react in such a way that heat is created. What happens here is that the hot energy causes the hair follicles to lose their hair growing abilities. For this to happen, the source of laser light is needed, they can be Pulsed Light, Diodes et cetera.

The complexion of the individual is also considered in this case. When one has dark areas in their body, the laser can penetrate it faster. Thus, the outcome will be successful since dark hairs have strong amounts of melanin in them which enables the light to penetrate better.

The intensity of the light which is absorbed may not be that great for those who have darker skin tones or lighter hair, since the skin and hair are able to absorb light equally. Having the Fitzpatrick classification, it gives clear information about the skin type of a person and the right laser for it. Next will be the outline of Fitzpatrick classification and the lasers utilized.

Those with fair colored skin are part of the first three skin types and there are three available lasers that can be utilized. Level four includes Eastern Asians and American Indians. When it comes to the Fitzpatrick scale, level V includes darker individuals. The highest level on the scale is for very dark people, which is level 6.

The trimming of the hair is what is done prior to the whole laser activity. The patient's skin, hair color and where it is located plays a major role as to what type of laser will be used. It is essential for the eyes to be covered so that the lasers do not touch them. Lasers can be strong and this is why there is a special gel applied on the skin. After the application of this, a great spark of light is then directed onto a specific part of the skin.

The way laser hair reduction is felt is that as if a rubber band is flicked unto the skin. Some might feel this but others won't, but in that case there are some numbing creams that can be applied. As approved by the FDA because they contain lidocaine and prilocaine, two common types of anesthetics. This can be used not only in hair removal treatments but also in tattoos, the removal of it, and other cosmetic procedures. In all these treatments, redness and a sore skin is what you'll get after. The hair follicles will be okay after 12 to 24 hours and the application of a special aloe gel, cream or lotion is done to soothe down the area.

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Coping With Early Hair Loss

By Paul Nichols

It can be very traumatic to begin losing your hair, but more so if it affects you whilst you are still relatively young. Sadly, this is a condition that affects a huge number of people, both men and women, around the world every year and until now there wasn't too much that they could do but learn to come to terms with it. With the condition often being seen as a sign of premature ageing, it's not surprising that those affected will try anything that they can to delay the balding process and restore a full head of hair.

As with most conditions, it's best to try and treat hair loss during it's early stages. Luckily, it's not something that just happens overnight, and the hair will give off a number of warning signs before it starts to fall out. It will lose its shine and generally look duller than usual, and it will become brittle and rough to the touch. If your family is prone to early hair loss, then these are symptoms that you should be looking out for, and if you notice them you should start treating your scalp with hair growth products as soon as you can.

When it comes to choosing a particular product to buy, you should find one from a reputable manufacturer that meets your budget. All of the hair growth products that are sold today - and there are loads of them - work in pretty much the same way. They all boost the supply of vitamins and nutrients that your scalp can draw upon, helping it to grow stronger and healthier hair.

Most of these types of treatments have to be taken over several months for any significant effects to be seen, and during this time they should slowly improve the condition of your hair. It can become quite a chore to remember to take vitamin tablets every day, so it's a good idea to use one of the many products that come as a shampoo or hair mousse, as you can use these daily without even thinking about it.

Unfortunately if the hair has already been lost and the scalp has become bald then treatment with all the hair growth products you can find won't make any difference. The best course of treatment from here would be hair transplant surgery, as this has become incredibly successful at giving people back their full head of entirely natural hair.

The surgeon will harvest complete hair follicles from a donor site on the body where there is already healthy hair growth, and will then punch each follicle individually back into the scalp to fill out the bald spot. Although this might sound a little gruesome, it's actually fairly painless - in any case, the patient is given a mild sedative to numb the scalp before the procedure starts.

The cost of this kind of treatment can be quite expensive, with the average coming in at around $10,000 last year. Each course of treatment will be different though, as every patient will need a different amount of work done. Many clinics that specialise in this surgery will offer payment credit and financing plans, so as to help make the surgery more affordable by spreading the cost over a number of months - the cost should also start to fall once the surgery becomes more commonly performed.

So with these fantastic treatments widely available now days, premature hair loss and baldness could soon become a thing of the past. It's best, and of course more cost effective, to spot the early signs and seek early treatment, but even if these early signs go untreated a full coverage of hair is definitely achievable once the scalp has become totally bald.

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Seeking Alcoholism Treatment In Yakima

By Lou Prince

Anyone having problems with alcohol dependency should get alcoholism treatment Yakima. If your loved one happens to be one, you should encourage him to get medical management. If left untreated, this condition can cause serious health problems including brain damage, liver disease, heart disease and cancer.

It is a fact that families have been ruined and lives have been lost because of substance abuse. Addiction creeps in slowly and the person will not even realize he is hooked. He will just feel the need to continuously drink liquor not knowing it has already gained control over him.

Having someone in the family with this condition can be very painful. It is indeed devastating to watch a loved one deteriorate and get consumed by his addiction. It is a good thing that families and the person involved can now get help and treatment.

A lot of facilities and rehabilitation centers are open nowadays to provide care and the right management to affected patients. Their environment is safe and serene to help promote recovery. Patients can engage in different activities to become fit and take their mind off things.

Their healthcare team is composed of psychologists, counselors, medical specialists and caregivers. They provide personalized and quality care to patients. They motivate and support patients to reach his goal of attaining complete recovery. They are trained and experienced to be effective in this field.

These facilities have programs and counseling sessions that can help the patient deal with his personal issues and identify causes that lead to his addiction. In addition, medications are also given to detoxify the patient and decrease his craving for liquor.

If a family member is substance dependent, you should do your part in finding alcoholism treatment Yakima for your loved one. Medical attention should be given to him before he gets worse. The family should also show emotional support to the member throughout the process.

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Learning To Be Alone Doesn't Mean You're Learning To Be Lonely

By Lou Prince

In many ways society today is the best that it has ever been with both men and women having unprecedented freedom, but in reaction to this, there are certain societal expectations that still dictate the way in which many people act. The expectation of coupling is what drives both sexes to enter into relationships with some people becoming serial daters. This behavior ends up selling a person short so it's important that learning to be alone is something that everyone deals with at some point.

It may sound simple, but the truth is that to be a part of a good partnership, both participants should have a handle on what they are bringing into the equation. With divorce rates at their highest, it's safe to say that there is something deep seated in many people that is making long term partnerships more difficult.

Assessing these attributes is simple when you allow yourself to be single. Many people don't realize the joy and freedom that can come from living life on their own terms. Also, being single doesn't mean that you don't get to have fun in a sexual sense, just that these trysts do not have to define you.

Another important aspect of learning to be alone is discovering that your life is already full of meaningful relationships that deserve your time and attention. Friends who you may have ditched when dating will most likely be ecstatic to have you back in their lives and you can revel in the simple joy of quality time out on the town without shackling yourself to the idea of finding a mate.

This is another important lesson - friendships are as important as the romantic entanglements in your life. It is imperative to keep up with the changes that are happening in your friend's lives so that you don't grow apart as the years go by. Making time for a friends night out, without the requirement of looking for a mate, can expose you to having a good time without this expectation of coupling.

Beyond these relationships, this is also the time to explore the one that you have with yourself. Embracing a new past time or hobby can invigorate you in ways that you haven't been before and you'll discover what sparks your passion and motivates you outside of the romantic relations you have had in the past. You may realize that you have more to offer the both yourself and the world around you by putting yourself first. learning to be alone

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