The serenity prayer is used at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and with other 12-step groups as a way to center attention on the meeting, quiet the mind and bring focus to the group. The words can serve a similar purpose in daily life. You may find grace notes amid the lines as a way to focus and calm yourself in stressful situations or in daily tasks.
Regaining control of your mind is a priority when you tackle obsessive thinking. These thoughts can focus on a craving in an addiction or a worry you cannot seem to let go of. Practicing specific meditation can be helpful in reestablishing a healthy mind balance.
If you work with a sponsor for help in treating an addiction, there may be times when the sponsor is unavailable. You might need something to fall back on to help clear your mind of challenging thoughts or other types of anguish. The message can immediately draw you from a cycle of obsessive thinking and into a retreat of peace.
The message also can help you start each day with a sense of purpose. You could gather uplifting readings or positive reminders to begin as a morning ritual. This practice can set your intention for the day and keep you focused on positive mental health.
Using the words to directly confront your fears also can be another powerful coping tool. Go through the words and use that message as a defense against what is upsetting you. An approach to let go could be the turning point in a difficult situation.
The serenity prayer can serve many purposes for those with addiction and those going through life's challenges. Take some time to think about the message's meaning and how it may be a helpful part of your life. The words can be powerful tools for coping.
Regaining control of your mind is a priority when you tackle obsessive thinking. These thoughts can focus on a craving in an addiction or a worry you cannot seem to let go of. Practicing specific meditation can be helpful in reestablishing a healthy mind balance.
If you work with a sponsor for help in treating an addiction, there may be times when the sponsor is unavailable. You might need something to fall back on to help clear your mind of challenging thoughts or other types of anguish. The message can immediately draw you from a cycle of obsessive thinking and into a retreat of peace.
The message also can help you start each day with a sense of purpose. You could gather uplifting readings or positive reminders to begin as a morning ritual. This practice can set your intention for the day and keep you focused on positive mental health.
Using the words to directly confront your fears also can be another powerful coping tool. Go through the words and use that message as a defense against what is upsetting you. An approach to let go could be the turning point in a difficult situation.
The serenity prayer can serve many purposes for those with addiction and those going through life's challenges. Take some time to think about the message's meaning and how it may be a helpful part of your life. The words can be powerful tools for coping.
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You can visit the website serenity prayer for more helpful information about