Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How 2 Get a Girl back

By Viviahn Seyz

No matter what approach you take, parenting girls is going to be difficult at times. Chaotic doesn't really describe this time period well enough for parents and teens alike. Keeping your relationship positive with your teenager is discussed here in this article.

You have to remember some of this behavior is simply normal albeit difficult to live with. 0 for the teenager who is experiencing a lot of changes both physically and emotionally within themselves. Teens begin to feel conflicted between being dependent upon their parents and needing or wanting their freedom. This may result in their acting out in various ways, which may change from one minute to the next. girls are in between childhood and adulthood, and their brains are not yet completely developed. Regardless of your parenting style it's important that you remember this because you can't expect them to be the epitome of stability and rational thinking at their age. At times your best approach is to let them progress and learn things at their own pace, and don't take all of their moods personally.

If you suspect your teenager is doing something that is truly irresponsible or dangerous, involving something like drugs or alcohol, you have to discuss it with them and let them know that certain things are not acceptable. In some situations, teenagers might need additional help, like counseling, although you should only thing about this if their behavior is way far out there and you've already tried discussing it with them. If you aren't positive, you should pay a visit to a professional for some advice. Parenting teenagers occasionally means knowing when to disrupt them and stop them from making a horrible turn in life.

Parenting girls can sometimes put a strain on a marriage, especially when the parents disagree on the best practices. Just as you work on your relationship with your teen you will need to work on your marriage too. They are sensitive to their environment even though you may thing they are disinterested. Usually when there is tension between parents there is emotional problems in the teen. You should do everything you can to communicate well with your spouse and try to come to an agreement on parenting issues. It's important that you don't allow your teen to play your spouse and you against each other. You should consider counseling if you need further assistance. You need strong family bonds to successfully parent a teenager together.

Parenting a teen age child isn't easy by any means but communication can help make it easy. It's important that you compromise with your teen. The above advice on parenting girls should be kept in mind as you interact with your teens.

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10 Helpful Tips to Attain and Maintain Beauty Youthful Skin

By Rose Iadsai

Owning a beauty healthy skin is a need for all men and women. We know that we will achieve the most beauty youthful appearance between the late 20s and early 30s. But then we wonder how can we keep the youthful look with us forever after those ages?

There are many cosmetics brands available in the market, each of them advertises to contain the best ingredients to help maintain women's youthful look. But is it necessary? Do we really need that product?

There are some people who forgot to think that the beauty skin is the result of their healthy health with come from within their own body. So, there will be no need for any expensive beauty products. Simply follow the easy to do secrets below and you will certainly achieve your most beauty skin as you desire.

1. Hydration - this includes well cleaning your body with lot of water. If you love to get a shower on your bathtub make sure that you don't have any soap or shower cream left on your skin. And it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

2. Put in mind to use only soft cloth or soft material to scrub your skin, be careful to not use the strong one as it may damage your skin.

3. Protect your skin from a harmful UV rays from the sun. I will not argue that we all love the sun because it can produce our nice looking tan skin, but there is also the truth we cannot ignore that UV rays will damage and age your skin and may lead to age spots and wrinkles and also cause the skin cancer. So be sure to correctly protect yourself with high quality sunscreen every time you will go or expose yourself under the sun.

4. Eat healthy food even if you are on diet. Your food should consist of non processed produce and protein, less sugar, flour and cream. Keep in mind that a poor nutrition habit will depress your health which will lead to weight gain and illness. And as you may already aware of that weight gain can easily cause skin stretch and later it will lose elasticity and left with loose skin.

You will need to have an appropriate weight to prevent the skin from fade or stretch marks.

5. Exercise - according to a research, exercise can increases blood flow to the brain which will help obtain a more youthful look to the person who does exercise regularly. Just take at least 30 minutes a day for a walk or jogging or aerobic dances, you will absolutely be surprised with what you achieve.

6. Be sure to get enough sleep of at least 8 hours per day.

7. Apply moisturize immediately after shower to always keep your skin fresh and protect it from ageing fast.

8. Make yourself always be happy because the happiness will help your brain release more endorphins hormone that can supercharge your immune system, the result is a disease-free body and healthy skin that be envious by those who see.

9. Don't buy beauty care or cosmetics products that you are not sure if it will be good for your skin type or not. Make sure to test it before you buy.

10. Food your skin with healthy natural nutrition such as natural yogurt, pieces of carrot, cucumber or tomato by put it over your skin or face.

Simply follow above tips to rest assured a beautiful appearance and youthful look without paying big money for big makeup set.

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Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

By Sophia Bennett

A losing battle is removing unwanted hair by means of shaving, waxing, or electrolysis. At the moment, doctors and day spas are touting laser hair removal, years after the first hair removing laser was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as the best way to achieve hairless lips, bikini lines, legs, and backs. Per year, consumers spend more than $1 billion for this treatment making it one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures.

For laser treatment, it won't get rid of unwanted body hair entirely but it is by far the most effective option. Taking the best and barest results into consideration, it is necessary that you have numerous treatments that can end up costing thousands of dollars. In some cases, people suffer scarring and pigment changes if they have certain skin types. It is possible for the procedure to result to burns and blisters if done wrong.

Here, what the laser targets is the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. The laser ignores the lighter skin surface and instead zooms into the dark follicle, beats it up, and kills it as it is flashed across the skin but the skin is left unscathed.

What it can do is permanently reduce much of it, about 30 to 75 percent within one year, after a series of treatments even if it does not zap all hair. What is left in this case is hair that is lighter, finer, and easier to control. A noticeable improvement is possible with at least four to six treatments over about three months. Only growing hair is targeted by the lasers and at any given time a number of body hairs are dormant or dead.

For laser hair removal, it works best with patients with light skin and dark hair. In terms of lasers, they don't work on grey hair and rarely on blonde hair. Because lasers target pigment, they don't work well on people with dark or tanned skin.

Reputable doctors will perform a test patch to see how an individual's skin and hair responds to the treatment. For skin that tans easily and easily burns, it is important to consult a doctor who specializes in hair removal on darker skin. If doctors are experienced, they could treat darker skinned patients but in this case, hair removal usually takes longer and is often less effective. If your skin is tanned, do not have hair removed.

A laser is a wonderful thing, but it's also a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. In a recent survey, about half of dermatologists said they were increasingly repairing damage caused by laser hair removal. Here, the laser is under a rental arrangement and so offering hair removal only on certain days can be a red flag. If they're renting a laser once a week, they may not have a whole lot of experience with it. When it comes to the treatment, a lot of people say that it feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. If it hurts more than that, it's a good sign that it's not being done properly. You can expect doctors to use gels, cooling sprays, or lasers with cooling tips. For a while, the skin may be red or crusty but it will clear up. A bikini line ranges from $300 to $700 per session and a man's back can cost $1,000 or more per treatment but some patients need as many as eight to ten sessions.

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The Truth About Six Pack Abs - Achieve A Slender, Sexier Figure

By Rachel Bennett

People who want to lose weight are the people who are desperate to take on anything just to make themselves feel better. Sometimes, these people will try anything to make themselves look good to feel good and that can be the key to getting it done. We always aim for that sexy leaner body and now we can.

One good option you can make is to dive into the program called The Truth About Six Pack Abs. It is a program to help people who have problems with weight to get that toned abs everyone is dreaming of.

Cardio workouts and situps will only do you good for a little while and when it becomes repetitive that your body tends to take it as a routine, that is when your body stops to improve. You will need more than what you are doing to fully achieve that lean figure.

Although diet can do wonders to your body, it will only help you to reduce your weight and maintain the weight that you have. Exercise is always the way to a leaner figure and in doing the program; you will certainly have the right directions.

You will discover that what you have been doing for the past years have been nothing but the tip of the iceberg and you are not doing the best workout exercises for your body to develop the right kind of muscles.

And while doing so, you will only be setting yourself up as a failure as you will soon know that what you have been doing for the past couple of months is all but a waste of time, energy, and money.

This is one program that you should get into if you want to know the real score about getting those washboard abs and leaner healthier body.

And the best thing about it is that you can do it step-by-step as the program helps you improve on a daily basis. No more long hours of nonstop exercises.

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Four Red-Hot PUA Openers Will Get the Girls Talking to You

By Brian Broderick

Before you head out sarging, it's good to have a few good PUA openers tucked away just in case. Don't worry about using canned openers. They're useful in that they can cause the girls to talk enough to get your personality into the spotlight.

These openers are tried and true:

The Female Opinion Opener - Why has this been around forever? Well, women have loved to give a piece of their minds since speech was invented.

This requires a little subterfuge. You need to act like you're out with your buddies and a controversy has arisen and that perhaps a woman could lend some information to settle the quandary. Approach the woman, excuse yourself, tell her the problem, then drop the question.

What topic will get a female opinion? Just about anything you can think of.

*My friend's lady is having problems with him. She's jealous of his ex. What should he do? *Why do women lie more than men, or do men lie more? *So, is it true that size matters? *My friend just died. His really sweet girlfriend is hitting on me. Is it okay for me to start dating her or should I wait awhile? How long?

Those are just a few examples, just about anything that promotes gossip will work.

The Robbery Opener - You can have a lot of fun with this one. Here's what you do: Approach a bunch of girls and say something along the lines of "Some friends and I are gonna rob the liquor store down the street, but our driver got sick. Could one of you pick us up in a couple of hours and drive us to the airport? We can cut you 5-percent on the deal, easy money."

Obviously the girls will recognize that this is all in fun; but they'll find it easy to play along with you for a while.

Start telling them about the plan. Let them come up with some ideas. One thing is, it sets you up to get a phone number. "I'll need a number to give you a call when everybody's in place." fits in so smoothly once the laughter and talk is going strong. Should there be some hesitancy to fork over the number, start teasing her about the big money and how it'll be easy. That should bring her around.

The You Suck Opener - I'm not sure who came up with this strategy. Be careful with this one. It's very effective though, if you can manage the strong push and pull maneuvering that's required.

What you do is approach the woman and ask, "Hey, you really suck! You know why you suck?"

If you've done it right, you've got her. She'll dart back and want to know why she sucks. So then you tell her: "Well, you suck because I've been waiting quite a while to approach you, but you're always surrounded by friends." Then start talking about anything.

The Flopsy Opener - This one is not so canned, it comes across as a little more natural. Wayne "Juggler" Elise named this PUA opener. One day he was out on the prowl in a local park and noticed that the ladies were excited about something. He looked a little closer and discovered that they were squealing about a little rabbit on a leash being taken for a walk by its owner. Yep, the girls were agog over "Flopsy" the rabbit out on a stroll.

So, the "Flopsy" PUA opener is just focusing on whatever has the ladies enthralled, move in and start talking about it.

Nothing rehearsed about this. Pretend you're at the mall and a pretty girl sits down and starts opening up a new iPad. Move in and say something like: "Hey, that's one of those new iPads. I'm thinking of getting one. May I watch as you open it?" Sorry, it's not slicker than that, but it doesn't have to be. This works the majority of the time.

Flopsy PUA openers are the best as far as I'm concerned. They work and you don't feel like you're reciting something.

When it all gets boiled down, the PUA opener you use isn't extremely important. Getting and talking to the woman is what it's all about. And it's what get's you noticed in the herd. Hey. Why not try, "Hi, my name is Rob, what's yours." It works almost every time according to one successful PUA I know.

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