Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Advice on How to Attract Women

By Joe Maldonado

If you want to know how to attract women, there are several things that you should keep in mind.

First of all, one of the biggest pet peeves that women have is when men are not listening. Women can tell when you aren't listening to them, and it is a huge turn off. If you want to attract a woman, make her feel like you are listening by giving her some serious eye contact.

Not only is it a way to show you are engaged in the conversation, but it is also sexy. Follow up what she is saying with valid responses that are actually related to what she has just said to you.

Additionally, women are really into hygiene. If you can't keep up your appearance and cleanliness, you have a problem and it needs to be fixed. No one should have to tell you to trim your fingernails and toenails, and you should be able to tell on your own when you need a haircut. If a girl looks at you and sees that you can't take care of yourself, she is going to think you are one of those guys who needs a Mom, not a girlfriend.

If you really want to know how to attract women, ask one. They will be more than happy to tell you exactly what it is that they want from a man. Most women that are grounded in life (which are the ones you want) are well aware of the qualities that they desire from a man, and they have no problem sharing this with you. Just the fact that you care enough to ask puts you above 80% of the other jerks out there.

Don't try to be Mr. Cool and act all smooth. This is so annoying, and women see right through it. It is an obvious sign of insecurity. Build up your self esteem first, and then try to approach women with an honest and casual conversational tone. It's real, and that's what women want (unless they are sleazy). If you are out to get one of those sleazy girls for a one night stand, then it doesn't really matter what you do, because any approach will work.

Never be rude or crass. This is not how to attract women, and it will never work (unless she is super-drunk and can't hear you). Women want to be approached in a respectful way. You want to make her feel good about herself. Make her feel as though she is the prettiest girl in the room- even if she really isn't. Seriously though, don't expect to get girls by acting like an idiot with your boys. The women are not impressed.

This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as tips about getting women. If you want to go more in depth about it there are some pretty good online guides and eBooks on the topic that would be likely to help you out as far as how to attract women.

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How To Connect With Women by Observing Her Actions During Conversation

By Jon Sinn

Wondering how to begin an interaction or how to connect with women on the same night? If you want to take charge of the conversation so that it flows naturally in the direction you want, improve your observation skills. Some guys take these observation skills lightly because they think it does nothing to improve their seduction game. But read on to find out how this skill can be your main strength when you're in a club with a lot of competition.

Any social interaction demands you to be more observant. Paying attention to what's going on around you can help you detect which women are bored, about to walk out from an interaction or getting ready to leave. You will also see who's checking you out, which girls are the type to respond to your jokes and which girls are already taken.

When you're already in an interaction, your powers of observation will help you create conversation. You will seem like a mind reader when you figure out what kind of girl she is and then tell her what you think. Chances are, she will be impressed that you're very perceptive and this gives you credibility. You can also use this skill to qualify and tease a girl.

Here are some things you should pay attention to: the girl, the group and the environment. If the girl looks bored and the group situation is making her feel uncomfortable, you can suggest that you go somewhere more quiet.

When it comes to observations about her, you do not want to get sexual right away or she'll be gone quick. But one tangible thing you can talk about is height. Her smile is another thing. Clothes, jewels and accessories are all good. You must also notice her pose, how she moves and stuff like that.

In a group, observations you make can give you clues on how to become the center of attention. You can draw out the girl who isn't talking. You can start a parlor game that gets even the shy ones interacting. You can also sense out which girls are already into you. Observe who's closest to which guy, and which girl is probably feeling left out.

Your observation skills are particularly helpful when you meet women during the day. If you're at a mall, you can clearly see which girl is waiting for someone, and which girl is all alone reading a book by herself in the coffee shop. If you can observe everything at a glance and make deductions, you're ready to proceed with trying to hook up with a girl regardless of where you are.

Your observations tell you about her, and this can be very powerful. You can feel the pulse of the interaction quickly and know exactly when you can move in. Observing her body language will also help you understand when she's ready to be seduced. Being observant is definitely one of the things you should master if you want to learn how to connect with women.

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Hints On How To Deal With Addiction Recovery West Hollywood

By Glenda Rich

The addiction recovery west Hollywood process may seem to take ages. One must have experienced things like therapy and counseling while in the rehabilitation center. This may come in handy in the post rehab stage.

Activities like therapy and various forms of counseling are known to help. Here are some hints on how to cope with the very stressful process of recovery.

continued counseling is a good habit. After the rehabilitation process, it a advisable to attend the counseling sessions. This will build the patients confidence to face the outside world. Medical practitioners often follow up on attendance.

Do not rush things. Rushing will lead to over expectations. It is good to have high hopes but this process takes time. One should allow the process to take it due course. Expecting too much my lead to too much anxiety and the patient my slip back into old habits when not achieving required results. Learn to take your time.

Preoccupy oneself. This will help the recovering addict not to think of destructive vices like alcohol or drugs. Positive friends are also an added advantage as the will give important encouragement. An idol mind is the devils playground. Therefore make sure that the day is full of activity.

It is important to take one day at a time. If one is becoming so frustrated that one is feeling like wanting to have some more alcohol or that one last taste of drugs, stop! Take a deep breath and realize that one's betterment will only go one day at a time! Many people have to force themselves to take one minute, hour, and day at a time simply to keep their heads above water.

Replace destructive behaviors with constructive ones. This will lead to a cleaner life. Stay away from situations that are tempting. Monitor activities from afar to enable you judge situation adequately.

Tell family members about the condition as they are in a position to offer guidance in term of distress. Involving family help a great deal. Help them understand the situation and they will assist for example controlling the amount of alcohol in the home, accompanying you to counseling sessions and therapy.

Do not give up. There may be many obstacles on your way but always remember that at the end better things lay in store for you. Avoid or brush away any temptation or people that may lead you astray.

By following all of these steps and surrounding oneself with good friends will help. Good luck on the speedy recover. Never look back.

addiction recovery west hollywood

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Learning How to Talk to Girls

By Joe Maldonado

Even the people who think that they know how to talk to girls most likely have a few things that they could stand to learn, if they were honest about it. There are some things that may help you if you keep them in mind during your conversations with women, like: actually listening to her, talking about topics of interest, making a lasting impression and ending it on a good note.

You don't have to have the most stellar topic in mind to be able to hold a good conversation with a woman. You can actually pull something from your surroundings if you can't think of a topic to bring up. You don't even have to be the most intriguing person in the world, ether. A woman just wants to talk to someone who is genuinely going to listen to her and have something to say in return. Of course, you need to actually be listening to her. Women can tell when you are not listening, and this is a huge turn off! Make eye contact with her, so that she can tell you are engaged in the conversation. Give her some genuine, related replies to what she says. Smile a lot, and let her do most of the talking. When you show you are interested in what she is saying, she will talk more, which will enable you to talk less. This lowers your risk of making any mistakes, and it also helps you look mysterious. For some reason, women love it when a man comes off as mysterious.

When you become nervous about how to talk to girls, just remember that the best way to do it is to keep things flow naturally. If you want to plan what you are going to say, that's okay, but only to a degree. You don't want to go by a set plan, word for word. You want the direction of the conversation to flow naturally, and you don't want to interrupt the natural flow just because you want to stay on target with your plan. Just don't try to stay in control of everything, because some of the best conversations are the ones that veer off in an unexpected direction.

The most important thing to do is to find that point where things seem to be going great and stop right there. This is the best thing that you can do when you are having a conversation with a girl. First of all, it leaves her with a feeling that she wants to talk to you more, which will likely lead to her calling you. It also adds to the idea of you being mysterious. Once again, they love this for some reason. Leaving the conversation on a good note has many advantages.

These are just a few good ideas when it comes to learning how to talk to girls, and there are actually much more in depth guides that can be found online.

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Advice on How to Get a Girlfriend

By Joe Maldonado

These are some of the most useful tips on how to get a girlfriend:

1. A good way to start out is by talking to women that you aren't trying to get a date with in the first place. This will help you in a sense that you can begin to get more comfortable with women in general.

Many times there is added pressure when speaking to a woman that you know you are trying to get a date with. You are feeling the need to impress her in so many ways, and you know that if you don't, you will fail to get that date you desire. If you casually talk to a woman that you are not trying to get a date with, you can relieve some of this pressure. The key is to try to become more at ease when speaking to women in general, so that when you do happen to meet someone that you have an interest in dating, it will be easier for you to go up to her and start a conversation that could later lead to a date. If you are able to approach a woman with confidence, she will notice how self-assured you are and be more likely to respond favorably to you. Women love a man that is confident in himself.

2. Words are less powerful than body language when flirting.

On many occasions when a man is trying to flirt, he will keep his focus on trying to get a laugh or a smile out of the woman. This sort of thing can work at times, but there is a better way to go about it that will be more likely to bring you positive results. Instead of flirting vocally, you should try to get better results by building an attraction with the woman through your body language. There are many ways in which you could communicate your interest in her without even saying anything. Try to make some really good eye contact, as women find this to be very sexy, and it also shows that you are engaged in the conversation. It also comes off as mysterious if you use fewer words, and women are really into men that are mysterious. On that note, you should always try to end any conversation with a woman right when it seems to be going well. This adds to the notion that you are mysterious, and it leaves her wanting more.

3. Don't try to be smooth.

Often times, guys try way too hard to say everything right and be Mr. Cool. You don't have to do all this to make a woman see you as interesting. What you really need to do is talk to her in a way that gets her interested in finding out more about you. If you can accomplish this, you won't have to worry about how to get a girlfriend, because your phone will be ringing off the hook!

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