Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Affirmations For Self Esteem Are Your Key To A Brighter Future

By Paul Robertson

One of the most outstanding ways to better your sense of self value is to employ affirmations for self esteem. Most individuals allow a continual stream of negative thoughts through their minds, which of course leaves them feeling dejected and worn-out. It is really tough to get anything useful done with this manner of thought. Fortunately, if we can replace our damaging thoughts with upbeat ones, we will soon observe that our achievement levels start to increase. Having better self esteem can aid with getting a new job, more satisfying relationships, or just make you feel lots happier.

Saying upbeat and encouraging words to one's self can increase confidence and self worth, though it possibly could sound unbelievable at first to some. This helps to effectively re-program your mind and extinguish current negative vibes. Destructive thinking will stop you from achieving what you really want to do with your life.

A straight forward yet really powerful affirmation is "I am worthy of love and respect" Words like this have an almost immediate empowering effect. It can likewise help you get rid of any ill feelings you have got towards other people, such as saying "I can appreciate the actions of others and forgive them". It will also help if you find strength and inspiration from optimistic things, like your family, friends, employment and other things you consider as blessings.

You can discover on the net a lot of examples which can help enhance your confidence and self worth. Use the statements that resonate with your situation and desires. Picking new ones periodically is also possible. You also have the option of fine tuning your affirmations after you have started using them, perhaps by changing a word here or there. As you speak the words, feel yourself believing in their power to change your life.

It's best to commence your day by speaking your affirmations. In the morning, you're still not bogged down with the challenges of the daytime. There are no negative or miserable thoughts to get in the way. By allowing cheerful thoughts to seep into your brain this early, you will be positively charged for the remainder of the day.

You don't have to read your positive affirmations out loud, but if you do they will cause a faster and more potent effect. It's likewise essential to believe in your affirmations when you say them. Having your brain re-programmed in the morning will help countervail negative vibes you encounter later on with positive thoughts.

As frequently as you can, repeat your affirmations throughout the day, specially if you observe negative thoughts creeping in. Whenever you feel a bit low-spirited, it is more imperative than ever to repeat your words of power and inspiration. Saying them before you go to sleep also helps eradicate damaging thoughts you might have acquired earlier in the day. Stick to this routine for a few months until your sense of self worth has improved.

Whether you articulate something easy as "I am alright" or broad as "I am furnished with the tools I require to reap success", accept as true what they mean to you. Belief is the fire that will propel the success of your inspirational statements. With repeating and belief, your affirmations for self esteem will transform your life and you won't look back.

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How Clothes Indicate The Wearer's Personality

By Kelly Hughes

Clothes and the fashion industry would not thrive so much if clothes did not matter at all. In the world clothes are supposed to cover the body well and protect it from harsh elements. Now clothes have taken another form of importance in the society, because suddenly the society will start looking at what you wear and start forming an opinion about you in many ways. Clothes say much more than what words can say. Have a look at some things that clothes can stand for.

It was first meant to just cover your back and make you appear presentable, well covered and protected from the weather patterns. Now clothes do more than that in showing and quietly indicating which side of life you belong, the higher or lower social class, economic as well as religious divides too.

As they are able to say something about you, choose your clothes carefully as they can dictate how people view you when you wear certain clothes. In the early century, only royalty was allowed to wear mauve. It was the law. Such laws no longer exist in most parts of the world.

So these days the class or social barrier is still discreetly there because the prices of clothes make them prohibitive for them to be affordable to everyone across board.

They also say something about your profession or career. What you do in life, where you are and your level in the society. For example the health professionals like to wear certain type of clothes.

Clothing is also able to denote whether a person is married or not because people seem to look at the married as only supposed to put on what is not too revealing.

It is a hard and fast rule in some parts of the world and some cultures, but not in the Western world. In India for example, women who are married have to wear certain hair accessories to indicate their marital status just like other people put on wedding rings.

Single people are seen as the ones that like wearing revealing clothes, but may be they cannot help it since they need to attract suitable suitors.

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Are Cold Sore Breakouts Inevitable?

By William Etherton

How can you tell when you are about to get a cold sore? Is a tingling or itching sensation on your lip the first sign, or do you feel a little bump on your lip first? Regardless of what you experience first, it quickly develops into a liquid filled blister. Very soon after that, the blister bursts and the fluid oozes out, spreading cold sores elsewhere on your lip.

Does this sound familiar?

The cold sores remain for some days and then they diminish and go away, only to come back again at some unpredictable time in the future. They are such ugly things and they can make you look monstrous.

Cold sore outbreaks are very common in the US. It is estimated that 80 million Americans get them. That is 1 out of every 4 people.

The medical profession knows that cold sores are caused by a viral infection called the herpes simplex virus. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 90% of earth's population is infected with this virus today. It is a worldwide epidemic that has been around for hundreds of years.

Once contracted, the virus remains inside you forever. The virus lays dormant in some people and is never activated. They are the lucky few. For most of us, the virus lays dormant for a while, until it is activated by stress, anxiety, emotional upset, colds or flu, or excessive exposure to the sun.

It is thought that most of us are infected in early childhood. As the virus is highly contageous, it is not hard to see how this epidemic is perpetuated. Adults love to pick up, hug and kiss cute little kids. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends of the family do it all the time. When one of these adults is a carrier of the the herpes virus, the virus passes to the child from the saliva of the adult or from an open cold sore.

An adult can contract the virus from another adult, if there is contact with an open cold sore. If your spouse or partner has a live outbreak of cold sores, it is advisable to avoid sexual contact until the cold sore vanishes.

The medical profession has not found a cure for the herpes simplex virus. To cure it, the virus would have to be eliminated from your body. It is thought that even if a cure is found, you would be quickly re-infected because the virus is so widespread.

Do not expect to find a cold sore cure that will remove the virus from your body, and keep you free of it, any time soon. But I would bet that what you would really like to find, is a remedy that prevents outbreaks of cold sores in the future.

Cure and prevention are not the same thing. You will find that there are preventions for many medical conditions, even though cures for them have not been found.

Besides cold sore breakouts, the herpes simplex virus poses no other threat to your health. As such, you probably would be thrilled if you could find a method that permanently prevents outbreaks of cold sores in the future, even if the virus remains in your body.

Is there a way to stop the virus from causing an eruption of cold sores on your face? After all, this is what you want.

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How To Get Rid Of Moobs Naturally

By David Gregory

Sagging male breasts is a condition that men in all age brackets find embarrassing and frustrating to live with. The breasts become enlarged due to various factors. Sometimes excess fat accumulates in the upper torso region of the body instead of other areas. Some men have a medical condition known as gynecomastia that leads to a hormonal imbalance with estrogen present in greater amounts than testosterone. Read on for advice on how to get rid of moobs naturally.

Available treatment methods include surgery to correct the problem and certain medications. There are also natural supplements that work. These natural remedies work to effectively lower estrogen levels while increasing the amount of testosterone in the body.

The basic operation of the natural products is the balancing of body chemical components which cause male breasts. These remedies actually cause the breast to actually shrink and give a masculine flat chest. You can also use some types of chest exercises which will increase the amounts of male hormones in the body hence leading to a more flat chest.

The necessary exercises are not those usually associated with building up chest muscles like lifting weights and doing push-ups and pull-ups for hours on end. The best exercises are those that will burn calories like jogging and walking. After the fat has melted away, it is time to start working on building up the muscles. Workouts designed to burn calories should also be continued for maintenance purposes.

Eating natural and whole foods is also believed to aid increasing the levels of male hormones in the body. It is also advised to deduce mechanism of losing fat like eating half the amount you are used to. Ensure to take up diets aimed at reducing the amount of body fat by metabolism.

There are medications that can be used in reducing the levels of mobs. Estrogen reducing supplements are an example of supplements which are effective in reducing the estrogen levels. The anti-estrogen supplements should however be weaned off after realizing the expected results.

Some men opt for surgery as the quick and easy way to eliminate male boobs. While effective, this quick fix has its downsides. This expensive procedure gets rid of the unsightly beast tissue but the underlying cause will remain unless it is treated. Surgery of any kind carries many health risks that should be carefully considered. There are also certain dangerous side effects associated with any type of surgery.

Regardless of treatment method chosen, it is important for men to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages associate with each. Surgery is a quick fix for symptoms but does not resolve the cause. Supplements can be taken to lower estrogen levels but there will be a need to wean the body off of them afterward. Exercise will provide the best results in the long run because the cause of the problem is directly addressed instead of just the symptoms.

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Finding Drug Rehab West Hollywood

By Bernadette Mendoza

Drug rehab West Hollywood, is a great step to getting a new lease on life, and feeling better. It is one that millions will attend each year, people who have accepted they needed the help for their problem. Instead giving them a chance to have a life that will be not only less dangerous, but more productive.

So it will be left to the family members to find the right place to clean up their loved one. Find a spot that will give your loved one many options to help them during treatment. Admitting them to rehab could have you finding a new person after the program is completed successfully.

That new person may need more support along the road, than just family can offer, so getting the group counseling, as well as the individual counseling, will be a much needed step many people should take. It will allow you to not only face the problem you've had in the past, but learn that there are other people in the world, who have also dealt with a life that was full of strife.

A lot of people love to have a center that will also allow them to heal spiritually and draw them closer to God. Known that not only the mind and body will have come out stronger, but also your faith and soul as well, binging you a new hope on living a good life.

Since many addicts will not readily admit they have a problem, they will often be quite hard to get into a rehab center, or even admit they have a problem. Being patient, and waiting though, can be something that cannot be done anymore, that step where it is either rehab or they may soon be dead.

Once that special person has finished the program, you may need to help them adjust to their new life. Including not only support by talking to them, but trying to avoid the substance they had an addiction too. Remember that some time there will be a relapse in a persons life who has been addicted previously.

Finding drug rehab West Hollywood, will be the best first step to take, in order to get rid of the dependence you may have had for years. Plus make you feel like a new person who can start anew. Read more about: drug rehab west hollywood

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