Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Facts About Energy Cord Cutting

By Casandra Cotton

Energy cord cutting is the act of disintegrating a link between persons who are in a situation where things that they do seem to have an effect on them unconsciously. It is a connection of energy links that affects their thinking and body system. They are likely to be experienced where a connection has been concluded before time. They are not physical because they cannot be seen but the effects they have are so strong.

There is a difference between cords and connections. Connections are between hearts or minds and they make it possible for the sharing without causing any negative pull and effect. In most cases, people are not aware of the cords and the small numbers who are aware are not in a position to tell what is going on. However some people are very sensitive to feel them and explain them but are hesitant to do that.

The functions of the cords can be divided into three related functions. Receiving the energy from the other is one of them and another one would be to send it to the other side and also to both send and also receive the energy. They disconnect when the ties are over and that leaves no problems but in cases where they tag along then there is a problem.

Parents normally have ties with their children which is necessary because they are the means of communication between the baby and the mother and helps the mother learn about the needs of the babies. They naturally disconnect with time as the babies grow to form their own system. The healthy cords can be kept for as long as is necessary because they are of additional value to them.

However some of the connections that are negative still stay put and they negatively affect them. They share feelings both good and bad and the bad emotions are likely to bring problems to them. They find themselves undergoing processes and situations they cannot explain. They become sad and even cry to no apparent reason.

A relationship has a way of establishing a very strong bond because people involved share a lot and the energies are easily transmitted. When it comes to a time of ending the relationship it becomes hard as they cannot get away from the other person. They find themselves thinking about each other and that blocks their minds and bodies from moving on no matter the situation.

To cut the cords is very possible as one is able to decide which ones to keep and which ones to let go. It is rather such a process to get rid of them because they somehow follow u no matter how hard you try to get rid of them. It is advisable to take time away from that other person and be ready to fight those that defy the distance.

Some use the exercise of energy cord cutting to defraud others as they see it as a money making tool. They are able to get followers using their unconscious self and through their expertise in understanding this. The most affected are women, young children, ill people and other vulnerable persons.

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Take A Few Important Steps To Reinvent Your Life

By Martina Garrett

You can reinvent your life with only a few basic steps. It is common to want to start over at some point or other. Maybe you made a huge mistake and want to try again. Or, it may just be boredom with the status quo. Either way, you want to begin again. While it is not possible to go back and redo things, you can make new plans, being sure to follow a few basic steps.

There are some pitfalls that many fall into when attempting a new life script. There are four main ones. They are: insufficient planning, going it alone, poorly defined purpose, and inadequate passion for that purpose. Any one of these can hamper the success of starting over. Detailed plans should be undertaken with a person who you trust to be a personal planning partner. Define purposes and goals, and make sure they are something you can get passionate about.

There are some things to be considered before actually getting started. Live for the here and now, forgetting about the past and any mistakes that may have been made. You can't change that now, but do acknowledge that it is never to late to start over. Also, own the plan and recognize that you are the only one who can plan and write it. It is no one's life but your own.

There are five basic steps that go into effectively writing this new script. Following these basic steps will insure that can write a new script that will meet any goals you might have. They will lead to success in rewriting plans for this new future according to what you desire to accomplish. These five steps are: realize what is ineffective for you, put yourself first, set lofty goals, let small things go for bigger things, and take action.

You must realize what is not working for you. If it is ineffective, you need to let it go. Sit down with the planning partner you selected and list everything that has not been working. Plan to eliminate them and replace them with actions that you feel will bring better results, based on the goals you set, recognizing strengths and weaknesses.

You need to be the major priority in order to make this new plan work. The common tendency is to put others first, to meet everyone else's needs before you address what you need. However, to be successful in attempting a new game plan, you will have to be the priority. Address the needs, wants, and goals that you have.

You must set goals above what you have ever done, high lofty ones, to be able to achieve to the fullest potential. This new script should have goals that reach for the heavens, as this will encourage you to achieve much more than you ever thought possible. Make stepping stones along the way, so you get that sense of achievement, however.

Letting go of small things to reach for bigger ones will help you reinvent your life. You will reach goals never before imagined. When the smaller things have been done away with, take hold of the larger and immediately act on them. This will help you get where you want to be.

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Global Spirituality And Seeking Faith

By Nichole Cunningham

Defining itself as a state of being, and not a religion is just a part of what sets global spirituality apart from the rest. Many are now seeing that they may be able to find a religious following that they can make sense of. This is not by any means a new movement, but it is definitely finding a rapid growth in followers.

One of the reasons that this idea is so popular is because it strives to unite humanity as one. Not as the many religions; races; sexualities; culture; or otherwise, but as nothing more than human. The hope is for a human race that has more in common, and doesn't seek to find as many reasons to fight and bicker amongst themselves.

The lack of an eternal judgement for not conforming to a specific religions ideals seems almost divine to a number of people. This is just a small portion of why so the following is increasing as rapidly as it is. The whole point is that humans should respect one another as humans.

Many resist the idea that most of the current organized religions are based upon a system that was created by another human being and their interpretation of something. Those of true faith to their religious path insist that their system was set into place by a deity that communicated their wishes to the human race. When the idea is presented to them that someone else believes otherwise, they are usually not too accepting of the idea.

The idea that someone who was nothing more than human read some ideas and organized them into a system of beliefs, or saw something happen and created a system of beliefs based on it, is not something that most are willing to believe. Those who are faithful to their religion believe that the deity of that religion is the one who created the belief system. Many become offended when presented with the idea that their entire system of beliefs could have been created by someone who was no more godly than them-self.

Another area is the number of different groups that use their religious beliefs as their reason for hate and judgement. Those that are against homosexuality because God says it is wrong, or those who are against other religions because the bible says God shall be worshiped before all others. These are the cultures and groups that are putting up the most fight.

Like any and every other religion, no matter how much resistance there is, this will always be a way of belief for those who seek it as long as someone is willing to stick with it. The followers who maintain their faith will manage to keep alive the ideals of this way of thinking and living. There is not a single path taken, most especially a religious one, that is not met with friction and resistance along the way.

Global spirituality is by no means a new idea, but the popularity has recently been steadily on the rise. Groups who tend to be discarded by other religions may find their way here and find that they have a purpose as well as happiness. This is not a religion, but instead it is truly a state of being.

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