Why is it that men can get away with scalp hair loss and women can't? There are jokes galore about balding men, but a balding woman? Hair is a girl's crowning glory. It's part of who she is. Hair is something that women fuss over every hour of the day and spend lots of money on.
In psychological studies regarding hair loss in both men and women, men felt concern and stress about their thinning hair, but women suffer extreme loss of self-esteem. A women's sense of self can be tied up in her hair and she can be sensitive to how she is perceived by others.
When men find that they're losing their hair, there's a vast network of hair restoration places, products and family to offer them support. A man's wife can pat her husband's hand and reassure him that he's still a real 'man'. But when a woman starts losing her hair, no one will joke about it or look for a silver lining. They don't have a support system. It's a cause for shame.
Just look at the number of male actors and political figures that have lost their hair yet are idolized for being handsome. Women don't have such role models. You won't find a woman with thinning hair featured in the pages of a glossy magazine because it's too unfeminine. There's been the odd famous woman who has lost her hair due to cancer, but we offer our sympathy and support because it's an illness, not a black mark against their femininity. More awareness about female scalp hair loss is definitely in order.
There are more causes for female hair loss than for men. Women can lose their hair after giving birth due to hormone changes. Other hormone deficiencies such as hypothyroidism can cause hair to thin. Excessive chemical treatments and tight hair styles such as corn rows can cause damage or obsessive compulsive disorders can cause women to pluck out their hair.
But if a woman loses her hair due to genetics or alopecia, which is what male pattern baldness is all about, that loss of hair means loss of control. That philosophy goes along with hair thinning due to the aging process, too.
There are a variety of hair care products that have produced dramatic results in women and men. However, women should run to their dermatologist if they suspect hair loss is not temporary. A treatment program can be recommended after a consultation which could include a treatment program with a hair restoration specialist.
In psychological studies regarding hair loss in both men and women, men felt concern and stress about their thinning hair, but women suffer extreme loss of self-esteem. A women's sense of self can be tied up in her hair and she can be sensitive to how she is perceived by others.
When men find that they're losing their hair, there's a vast network of hair restoration places, products and family to offer them support. A man's wife can pat her husband's hand and reassure him that he's still a real 'man'. But when a woman starts losing her hair, no one will joke about it or look for a silver lining. They don't have a support system. It's a cause for shame.
Just look at the number of male actors and political figures that have lost their hair yet are idolized for being handsome. Women don't have such role models. You won't find a woman with thinning hair featured in the pages of a glossy magazine because it's too unfeminine. There's been the odd famous woman who has lost her hair due to cancer, but we offer our sympathy and support because it's an illness, not a black mark against their femininity. More awareness about female scalp hair loss is definitely in order.
There are more causes for female hair loss than for men. Women can lose their hair after giving birth due to hormone changes. Other hormone deficiencies such as hypothyroidism can cause hair to thin. Excessive chemical treatments and tight hair styles such as corn rows can cause damage or obsessive compulsive disorders can cause women to pluck out their hair.
But if a woman loses her hair due to genetics or alopecia, which is what male pattern baldness is all about, that loss of hair means loss of control. That philosophy goes along with hair thinning due to the aging process, too.
There are a variety of hair care products that have produced dramatic results in women and men. However, women should run to their dermatologist if they suspect hair loss is not temporary. A treatment program can be recommended after a consultation which could include a treatment program with a hair restoration specialist.
About the Author:
Learn how to treat scalp hair loss by checking this one stop research page: click here
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