Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Pick Up Women With The Right Approach

By Maurice Jackson

The key to knowing how to pick up women does not lie in how you approach them but rather how you cash in on the initial impression that you make on them. The first impression though is a tad over rated, nevertheless is a great advantage. In order to successfully pick up women you have to project a confident attitude.

Confidence is the key to a successful pick up. Women can smell fear and if you are scared or unsure, that defeatist attitude would show through. The thing to understand is that all men are genetically tuned to seduce women unless if you are gay and there is nothing to be afraid of.

There are many fish in the sea and if your charm doesn't work with one woman you can move on to the next, just make sure that your lack of success is not publicized too much. Using corny lines and coming onto women in a very unsophisticated way might work with very dumb women but can often lead to rebuttal from women who don't prefer cave men.

Being confident is a very attractive quality and women usually prefer confident men who know what they are doing. If your demeanor radiates confidence and you have a good attitude, women will be more likely to respond to your advances and that is the first step you should incorporate in learning how to pick up women.

Having the gift of the gab is another quality that can help you on the way to learning how to pick up women. If you have a great sense of humor you can attract women in droves even if you lack charm or sophistication.

The idea is to infuse a feel good factor and make the women around you comfortable and enjoying themselves. You need not behave like a clown. Women like men with a sense of humor and are not just turned on by a funny guy. If you can be funny and at the same time retain your charming ways and make it seem that your entire focus is on them, then the cat is in the bag.

The next part you need to learn on how to pick up women is the way to her to give you her number. Never ask a woman for her number outright. Wait for the opportune moment. If you are pretty confident about the impression you made, you can always give her yours. Otherwise you can fake an interruption when the feel good factor is at its peak and then make an excuse to withdraw from their company while making it amply clear that you wish to see more of them and hope that you run into her sometime soon. Then give her your number.

Another method is to pose the question in a subtle way by saying that you have to leave now and that you had a great time and wish you could keep looking at her pretty face and see her laugh for another hour. Then you turn around and pay your bill and more often than not you can see the women jotting down the number on a piece of paper hurriedly to give to you.

The other way is that you could catch the confusion on her face and offer her your number. Learning how to pick up women is learning how to successfully market yourself as a product. Although all of us have it in us to seduce the opposite sex, very few have the drive to put their natural skills to the use.

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