Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jesus Pics on the Cross - children

By Viviahn Seyz

When it's time to get your family together and work on crafts, it's a good idea to have everything you need all ready to go including any tools or resources. But there is only so much prep work you can do. So when all involved have what they need for your project; for example, the lefty's will need left-handed scissors, is there anything else to help make it a smashing success?

Take a chill pill! Realize that craft time is always messy. Even the crafts you think will be under control are going to be messy. Take it in stride, the mess is half the fun. Your kids will have a blast being allowed to make a mess and when they are all done you'll have something creative to put up on the fridge! If you stress out about using the exact right amount of glitter or whether or not the glue is going to get spilled, you won't have any fun. Don't think your kids don't see your stress levels cause they do and it is inhibiting them from having as much fun as they could have.

Have fun, relax, allow the mess to happen, accept imperfection and you will be happier for it and so will everyone else.

Same goes for in the kitchen, if you clean a little as you prep and cook, then when it's done you're not looking at a destroyed kitchen area. One thing you can do is also get your children to help out with the garbage and scraps after they are done. Of course you can do it, and the mess isn't horrible (hopefully), and it's a good lesson for the kids, too. You can present it as a game of cleanup. Left-handed scissors get put away first, and then everything else as quickly as possible. Who can organize the pencils and crayons the best and quickest. Who can get the smallest and largest pieces of scrap papers? Add anything else like singing or dancing, or whatever. Try to make it fun, fast, and engaging for everyone.

Jesus pics on the cross crafts plus children plus liquids equals spills - it's going to happen. Any accident could have such as an errant elbow while cutting designs with those pesky left-handed scissors. Stuff happens, so just stay even and relaxed, and your kids will continue to have a good time. No need to spoil the afternoon and remove all the enjoyment from the crafting event. Just clean up the spill and return to having fun.

Keeping everybody happy when you work on crafts can be a challenge. Depending on what you're doing, there can be quite a bit to organize and prepare. Preparation is the part you want to do and get as right as you can. Do you have left-handed children, if so - be sure to get left-handed scissors. Choose a big area. Be sure to have a little more than you think everyone will need. Make it fun for your kids, especially, and for yourself - everyone needs to relax and have fun.

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