Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Spiritual Counseling - Finding Your Soul Mate

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

Grievances empower the ego. Identities are formed many times based on grievances alone. Forgiveness toward the other automatically comes with the premise that there is something to forgive. Spiritual Counseling for relationships can help couples to learn how to stop projecting unrealistic expectations on the other, become more intimate, and love one another unconditionally. This is ego transcendence.

Before you can find your soul mate, you must first become soulful or spiritual. The term, "soul mate" is frequently misused in our vernacular. Most people are beguiled into believing they will attract their one true soul mate if they simply make themselves available on Facebook or E-Harmony. Forget about taking the time to focus on spiritual transformation.

You can have more than one soul mate that may include a friend or family member but when you are with a soul mate who is also a lover, then I will refer to this as a twin soul. This is a very special and also very rare relationship. It sometimes happens that when two people meet, they instantly recognize one another behind their eyes, also called the "windows of the soul." Even their voices awaken in them a deep familiarity, like a half-remembered song from long ago. Inexplicably, often without a word being spoken, they instinctively know that they are destined to walk down the road of life together as one being with the sacred masculine and sacred feminine in perfect balance. And by no means am I saying here that one must be male and the other female. The sacred masculine and feminine qualities can also be in perfect harmony among same-sex couples as well. This describes the reunion of twin souls.

Non judgment, non-resistance, and non-reaction is required for true intimacy in a relationship. If you are constantly measuring up, comparing, or contrasting your partner when they are with you, then some form of judgment is being made by the egoic mind. Surrendering thoughts of judgment about your partner (no matter what they do to annoy you) allows for peace and harmony in all relationships. This creates a space for true intimacy.

In clinical psychology, studies have shown that the male gender cannot recover as quickly as the female from the loss of a partner or mate. I believe this is because the ego is not as pronounced in the female. In the male, the ego generally dominates and controls nearly everything he does--or doesn't do. The trauma, therefore, runs deeper with the male.

When someone rejects or breaks up with you in a relationship, it's very healing to know that they are not rejecting the true you but rather a very transitory concept of you, an ephemeral perception. The true you can never be rejected or "dumped" because on a higher level, we are always growing. The true you is never static. It is always dynamic.

Think of your first love when you were in high school. Can you truly say that you are the same person now (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) that you were back then? The spiritual truth is that we are all "dying" all the time. When we were an infant we had to "die" before we could be "born again" as a toddler. When we "died" as a toddler, we became "born again" as an adolescent. As an adolescent, we had to "die" to be "born again" as a teenager. And this symbolic "death and rebirth" cycle reoccurs all the way up until we "die" out of the flesh and are reborn into the spirit in another realm. A Spiritual Counselor can help you to accelerate your inner transformation so that you can attract your one true soul mate.

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