Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get Girls Running In Your Direction By Using These Easy Hints

By Peter Swanzki

OK guys you are here and want the magic formula to make a chick fall head over heels in love with you right? You want the magic formula or spell that will win her over in an instant? Well it ain't going to be quite as easy as that I'm afraid but there are some tips that you can put into action straight away.

One of the common mistakes that guys make is that they end up being weak and letting girls walk all over them. Sure you want to be respectful but you don't need to be a wussy, contrary to popular belief, pandering and sucking up to the apple of your eye and constantly telling them how lovely they are, buying them flowers and gifts actually makes you look like a WEAK pussy. It's repelling to girls. It's instinctively built into a woman's subconscious that they are looking for a man that could potentially be a father to their child.

Knowing when to shut up and listen is also going to get you a long way, females like talking endlessly about themselves so be a good potential partner and listen up! It will work wonders for you, and try not in interrupt them too many times. To be a good candidate for romance you will need to be able to listen and say the right things. So when she's talking give her your full attention, don't be eying up other birds, looking at your phone, or mindlessly spacing out.

Getting a girl to like you can easily be done by using some NLP techniques in rapport building. This is an unconscious thing that all humans adhere to....we like people like us. A great trick for creating rapport with someone is to 'mirror' them. Perhaps as she is talking she has her hands or legs in a certain position, you can mimic this (but being subtle about it). Perhaps if she is excited and talking in such a way you can too, or the other end of the spectrum, if she's talking slow and soft you can mimic this. You get the idea right, you are kind of copying what she does but in a way that she won't consciously notice (takes practice).

Don't stay in the 'friends' category too long. This is easy to do and will kill your chances maybe permanently, once she sees you as a friend for more than a certain period of time, she may never see you in a 'romantic' capacity again. Use body language, words and actions to make her realise that you actually 'fancy' her and not just like her as a friend.

Don't make the mistake though of trying to seduce her into bed, this probably won't work and will leave you out in the cold forever. The best way to get a girl into bed, is to get her to invite you.

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