Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Law of Attraction: The 3 Commonest Mistakes (Part I)

By Elkin Arriero

Have you tried applying the Law of Attraction and have not seen any results? Do you feel frustrated, tired? Do you suspect "That's not for me" or "Yes, the Law of Attraction works but for others" or worse "I'm attracting the opposite". Then I invite you to read this article that I suspect holds the key to clear your frustration and change your results.

Many people try each day to apply the L. O. A and by end of the day have a sour taste and say to themselves "It doesn't work for me." First, let me explain that the Law of Attraction works for everyone and all the time (doesn't matter if we are aware of it or not).

Now, if the Law of Attraction (Ley de Atraccion) works, why you haven't yet achieved what you want? Or worse, why it is that you are enticing quite the reverse? Something is certainly wrong and will be changed.

Here, I leave you a list with some of the most common mistakes we make and that never would bring us closer to our desires:

1st mistake: Anxiousness

Most individuals want many things and want them now, and although the Law of Attraction works fast, there are times (and typically a difficulty of internal dialogue and doubt) things look like they weren't working, like they weren't moving.

And accept it or not, things are taking place, they are "brewing". But , what folks customarily do? They lose patience, get discouraged, they start to assert "The Law of Attraction does not work for me" and return everything to 0 (or even worse)

Hence advice: Don't get deterred. Go ahead and have faith and persistency. Look at others who have achieved what you want to reach, get impressed and away from the bad vibes and negative thoughts. Repeat to yourself "There is no failure, just learning."

2nd mistake: Doubts

Everyone begins the same way, full of energy and just thinking about what they would like to attract rather than what they don't want. But , over time that tiny inner voice (which is silent at first but slowly begins to gain more space) starts to say "This isn't working" or "I do not think we do well" , a nd hearing that voice is the worst that could happen, because glaringly hearing it, we ended up doing the incorrect thing and having no results.

So what to do when doubts and negative feelings occupy us? The solution is simple, is called thanks.

We won't be sad and thankful at once, or nervous and thankful, or depressed and thankful, those feelings just do not mix. So as fast as you sense those "feeling blue moments" coming, make a list (psychological, in your telephone or a notebook) of 5, 10, 15 things, folks or eventualities in your present life to be grateful for. (And I'm not speaking almost super critical things like being alive but also to appreciate those little things which make us more happy "that mug of joe in the morning" or "the smile of my boy before going to sleep" , etc)

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