Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Women's Hair Loss - Why Does It Happen?

By Eric Huff

It's well known why men lose hair. Women are just as susceptible to hair loss as men. In fact, women are sometimes thought to be more susceptible to various hair loss conditions than men are. What could be the reason for less attention being devoted to women's hair loss? It's unknown why that state of affairs exists. What we do have for you are a few of the major reasons that women lose their hair. If you are interested in learning more, all you have to do is keep reading!

There are a various medical procedures involving treatment for cancer that can produce this effect in women. Chemotherapy has long been known to cause this condition. There is just a ton of written material available designed to help women deal with this type of hair loss as well as cope with it. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own.

Many women may already know that the time during pregnancy can often have a noticeable impact on their hair. The change is different for women, for some there's an increase in the rate of growth, and for others there's some loss of hair. After childbirth, the hair will begin to shed pretty fast for the women who experienced more hair growth.

The primary cause of thinning and baldness in women is alopecia areata. The condition that causes this in women is of the autoimmune variety of disorder. And there's no way for you to figure this out all by yourself. Your family doctor is the only person to make that kind of diagnosis. So if you see that you're beginning to thin-out, then you need to see your doctor. The good news is that you can treat this disorder. The reason it can be treated is due to the fact that it involves the autoimmune functions. Whatever is best for you in terms of treating the condition will be put together by your doctor.

Certain chronic illnesses can cause, in addition to their other symptoms, women's hair loss. It isn't so much the medical condition, itself, as it is due to the medication that is being taken for the condition. In other cases, it is exactly the fact of the hair loss that allows the doctor to diagnose the medical problem. Chronic conditions can be difficult for anyone, male or female, because it is lasting and permanent. The situation is usually one in which there is management of any symptoms with medication, and there is no cure for it. Unfortunately, in these cases it is not always possible to change medications or treat the hair loss. A doctor will help you figure out your best course of action with this type of hair loss. There are many causes of hair loss in women. It is true that there are emotional causes, physical causes, and even causes due to the environment. If you want to know for absolute sure, then just see your physician for tests and assessment. If you see changes such as we've discussed, then you owe it to yourself to find out for sure, and only your doctor can do that. They can also help you figure out how to keep your hair from getting thin or how to re-grow some of the hair that you have lost (if that is something that you would like to do).

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