Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Cause Of Hair Loss Mystery Solved

By Barisa Wyse

Have you noticed increasing amounts of your of hair in the tub, shower or sink in recent days or months? Do you have any idea as to the cause of hair loss that you are seeing? This article will examine four of the major reasons for hair loss for most people. Knowing the cause of hair loss is the first step in finding a possible cure or treatment.

Questionaires state that one of the reasons that make folks lose their self-confidence is hair loss. This is because many individuals can not be poised in front and even around with other folks realizing that these folks are brazenly staring into his or her hairless spots.

Specialists declare that loss of hair or baldness can be inevitable to persons particularly if their families have a record of it. These personsâ€"whose genes arrived from elder generations who are prone to hair lossâ€"can't actually do much about it since the condition resides in their genes. Those persons who do not have it in their genes and still shed so much hair, now is the time to be anxious.

What Is Your Cause Of Hair Loss?

Increasingly more persons are becoming prone to loss of hair because they do not pay much notice to the signs and indications of the condition. If you believe you are prone to loss of hair, the first thing that you have to verifyâ€"aside from the family's record of loss of hairâ€"is the amount of strands of hair that you shed in a day.

While it is quite impractical to keep a record of the precise number of strands, a 100 will be noticeable if looked at meticulously. Professionals state that dropping this quantity of hair is ordinary because new stands of hair are estimated to develop in 12 weeks. But if the quantity is greater than this, it is essential to mull over what may trigger it.

The following are several of the widespread factors cited as being a cause of hair loss. Even though a number of of which can be self-determined, it is usually best to talk to an specialist because they can identify what precisely leads to your loss of hair.

1. Ailments, severe illnesses and other medical circumstances.

These are one of the most common cause of hair loss. Diseases such as diabetes, lupus, or those that are associated with the thyroid glands can affect the growth and the overall production of hair in the person's system.

2. Using certain medicinal drugs.

The unwanted side effects of certain medicinal drugs like those of isotretinoin and lithium and other diet pills that contain amphetamines are identified to trigger hair thinning especially among youth. Individuals who are undergoing chemotherapy sessions to cure cancer as well as those drug treatments for gout, depression, arthritis, and heart troubles may prompt hair loss. In ladies, birth control pills can also be the reason for hair thinning.

3. Undernourishment or inadequate nourishment.

People who have insufficient protein and iron in their bodies will most likely suffer hair loss. This is because these two are the most important component that strengthens the hair to make it grow. Hair loss due to improper nutrition are more common among women because they are the ones who are more into fad and diets which lead to eating disorders that cause under nutrition. Experts say that when a person has poor nutrition, there is not enough supply of nutrients such as vitamin and minerals to sustain the growth of the hair.

4. Undergoing medical treatments.

Folks who have to endure medical treatment plans such as chemotherapy and radiation therapies are getting more hazards in dropping their hair because these sessions can destroy the hair from the roots and can even trigger a illness called "alopecia" that might lead to everlasting balding.

Another cause of hair loss may include hormonal changes, hair treatments and hairstyling, scalp infection, 'trichotillomania" or hair-pulling disorder, and disruption of the hair's growth cycle.

Some individuals might actually experience more than one cause of hair loss at a particular time. This is all the more reason to search for specialized assistance if you're worried about your loss of hair.

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