Like many other people these days, you probably notice plenty of examples of scarcity in your life. Maybe you have a lot of bills that need to be paid, but not enough income to cover them all. Maybe you have to keep juggling your money to cover minor emergencies that pop up for appliance or car repairs or other unexpected expenses.
Unfortunately, this ongoing awareness that you don't have "enough" will often keep bounching you right back to scarcity, even if you spend 15 or 30 minutes a day imagining that you have plenty of money and visualizing yourself living a more abundant lifestyle. Why? Because you keep sending mixed signals to the universe. "I have more than enough money. No I don't. Yes I do. No I don't." Both situations end up being true at times. Sometimes you'll have more than enough and sometimes you won't.
The key question is, how can you avoid focusing on financial problems and focus more on abundance so you end up attracting more money into your life? One good way is to keep noticing that you always have more than enough of everything. Especially money. When you pay a bill and you still have money left over, feel good about that! Don't focus on the stack of bills that haven't yet been paid. Focus on how good it feels to have money left over after paying that bill and you will begin attracting more of that experience into your life.
Another good technique is to keep focusing positively on the money you have in your pocket or purse. Think about all of the things you could buy with those few dollars, and imagine spending the money on something that makes you feel happy. But don't spend the money right away - just enjoy the feeling of having it and knowing you could spend it if you wanted to.
Finally, you may also find it helpful to set up a new pattern of self-talk that keeps reinforcing your perception of "more than enough". Try statements like these: "I intend that I always have more than enough money to cover all of my needs. I know that the universe will provide for me. Scarcity is an illusion. More money can come to me at any moment, sometimes in really fun and surprising ways. I love it when that happens!" You may not really believe this to start with, but keep saying these statements as if they were your truth. The more you intend to make them true, the more you'll notice they start to have a positive effect on your outer circumstances.
Unfortunately, this ongoing awareness that you don't have "enough" will often keep bounching you right back to scarcity, even if you spend 15 or 30 minutes a day imagining that you have plenty of money and visualizing yourself living a more abundant lifestyle. Why? Because you keep sending mixed signals to the universe. "I have more than enough money. No I don't. Yes I do. No I don't." Both situations end up being true at times. Sometimes you'll have more than enough and sometimes you won't.
The key question is, how can you avoid focusing on financial problems and focus more on abundance so you end up attracting more money into your life? One good way is to keep noticing that you always have more than enough of everything. Especially money. When you pay a bill and you still have money left over, feel good about that! Don't focus on the stack of bills that haven't yet been paid. Focus on how good it feels to have money left over after paying that bill and you will begin attracting more of that experience into your life.
Another good technique is to keep focusing positively on the money you have in your pocket or purse. Think about all of the things you could buy with those few dollars, and imagine spending the money on something that makes you feel happy. But don't spend the money right away - just enjoy the feeling of having it and knowing you could spend it if you wanted to.
Finally, you may also find it helpful to set up a new pattern of self-talk that keeps reinforcing your perception of "more than enough". Try statements like these: "I intend that I always have more than enough money to cover all of my needs. I know that the universe will provide for me. Scarcity is an illusion. More money can come to me at any moment, sometimes in really fun and surprising ways. I love it when that happens!" You may not really believe this to start with, but keep saying these statements as if they were your truth. The more you intend to make them true, the more you'll notice they start to have a positive effect on your outer circumstances.
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