Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sexual Abuse Survivor Stories Assist In The Healing Process

By Casandra Newton

Anyone who has suffered being the victim of sexual abuse will need help to process what has happened to him or her. Many times, there is not anyone around who understands. When sexual abuse survivor stories are shared, it helps people to not feel so alone.

Journaling is a wonderful way to let the healing begin. Typing it onto a computer screen helps one to distance themselves from the pain a bit and begin to deal positively with the attack. Writing it down on paper is just as effective. It is important to get the tale out for the victim and for those who want to support victims.

In addition, they can rip it into pieces and let it fly into the wind. Alternatively, bury it in a meaningful place to symbolize the freeing of this act on their lives. This can be helpful in the process as well.

One advantage of sharing on the internet is that it can be done anonymously. A caring ear of another person who has experienced the pain and terror can help a person to not feel so alone. Understanding and believe in the victim are crucial during this delicate time.

There are support groups in which a person can share their stories as well. People need to be heard and understood in all kinds of situations. Support groups offer a forum where a person can share the horrible thing that happened and be related to and understood.

A person who has been violated in this way should never feel ashamed. Thanks to those who have shared their tales a whole society has been enlightened. It is so important to not feel alone and misunderstood when something like this has occurred.

Another thing that these personal tales can do is to help others to understand what happened. This can create empathy. It can also give family and friends ideas of how to help someone who has survived this abuse.

Another way that a survivor can share their story is to tell it to the police. This takes strength and support, but this sort of story sharing can protect others and to empower the victim. Telling the tale in court is another way to do this.

Doing this takes supreme strength however it is the most important time to share what happened because it can empower a person. This can be the beginning of going from victim to survivor. It can let the healing begin.

In the safety of a trusted therapists office is another freeing way for a survivor to share their tale. The professional can then help a person to rebuild their lives in a positive way. This is not a short process. It is long and arduous but can change a person's life.

Sharing sexual abuse survivor stories can actually save lives. They make people who have gone through this to not feel alone. Anyone who has been though something this terrifying should have a forum to speak his or her story. They should be able to do it in whatever way they need to do it.

About the Author:

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