Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How Global Spirituality Unifies In Diversity

By Tameka Ware

Movements to improve global spirituality aim to unite cultures across cultural, racial and language divides. Spirituality is distinctly related to conscience, honesty, compassion and principles. These are aspects that are common to all major religions, atheism and agnosticism. For this reason, a heightened awareness of the spiritual can forge unity amongst diversity.

The definition of spiritual tenets differs among various belief systems. There are religions that see spiritual aspects as directly contradictory to their own beliefs because of the way they define those aspects. When the word is defined in more practical terms that refer to values rather than rituals and practices, however, almost every culture can find commonality.

Spiritual principles are similar in all major belief systems. The four major religions value compassion and forgiveness whilst denigrating dishonesty and cruelty. Ideas of morality are similar in most cultures and ideologies. In contrast, fundamentalism in religion is sometimes divisive. An awareness of similarities rather than differences may have the power to induce a sense of universality that pervades all humanity.

Spirituality's bad name in some circles is rooted in the lack of understanding of the difference between spiritualism and the spiritual. Spiritualism is regarded by many sects as sinful so spiritual movements are viewed as negative. However, values pervade most religions in the form of love, conscience and forgiveness.

Secular movements have come far in expanding on the definition of the spiritual so that it has become more all-encompassing. There are some secular people who avoid using the word but there are also many agnostics who understand it as an ideology that includes principles such as responsibility, harmony, tolerance and humanism.

The way many secular societies embrace the spiritual makes a crucial statement about humankind and religion. Stating that people don't act on conscience only because they are scared of punishment declares humanity to be inherently moral. The largest difference between religion and spirituality is in the belief or lack of belief in a divine creator. Spiritual principles can exist in the presence and absence of belief in an omniscient creator but religion always includes a divine belief. When seen in this light, religion seldom exists without spiritual focus whereas spiritual movements can exist where there is no belief in a creator.

Ritual is an important aspect of religion and often uses prayer and meditation as a way to act on personal belief. Spiritual movements don't necessarily make use of ritual. Instead, their focus tends to be on action according to values in daily life. Some see this as a more helpful way to interact with oneself and others.

There are many secular movements that use spiritual principles as access points. These include the green movement, feminism and humanism. Many use these principles to gain recovery from substance abuse and psychological problems as well as a way to improve relationships and serenity.

Studies of the spiritual generally explore inner experience in the hope that a more peaceful existence will be gained. Global spirituality movements focus on emphasizing fundamental values so that an underlying unity can be recognized. Some believe it is a phase that the world is moving towards that redefines religion as a way to spiritually explore the self and humanity's relationship with the world.

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