Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Advise For Mature Daters

By Emily Date

Most people think they are able to sit by and relax in the knowledge that their partner will be together for the remainder of their lives whenever they turn 50. However, situations like divorce and death of any spouse are not uncommon, shattering their dreams and forcing them to be single again. If this describes you then I am sure that you'll be or have been focused on your age, worrying that you might never find love all over again. You might also end up feeling lonely and even jealous of friends or anyone you see in the street who looks happy with their married lives. If you experience these thoughts then don't worry because you are in good company. In fact, there is a growing number of people just like you looking and searching for that right person. Psychotherapists have been helping numerous men and women to start dating no matter what age, in order to make mature dating successful, heed these pieces of advice from the experts.

Know what enables you to feel attractive - Many mature singles are without knowing very hard on themselves leading to the lowest feeling of worth. What they don't know is that often having that sort of negative attitude might get them nowhere. So the next time you're feeling like putting yourself down or wallowing in self-pity, picture the things that help you become attractive whether physically, attitude-wise, or talent-wise. Write them down and brag about them to yourself. Also, consider listing your insecurities and the things you want to improve about yourself, and then work on them until you achieve your goals. Did your previous spouse say that you could not dance? Don't allow that get to you by enrolling in a dancing class.

Let everyone know you're single and ready to mingle - If nobody knows you are ready to date again, nobody will approach you. Therefore, in order to give mature dating a go, eliminate the shy attitude and put yourself out there. Tell friends or relatives that they can fix you up on a date with somebody who they believe is right for you.

Understand the right place to mingle - In recent times, possible dates are not just found in pubs and nightclubs. You may find a pub in your neighbourhood having a individuals comprising people of your own age but do not limit yourself to that. Consider socialising in new places or volunteering for charity, or attend workshops for single parents. Be sociable - The next occasion you find yourself in line or while looking forward to the bus, start a conversation with the person standing near to you. Feeling bashful? Just think about the situation like this: that person could be a prospective life partner. To start a conversation, consider commenting on whatever is going on in the place where you are, for instance "I never expected as many to be here today." or remark on the weather conditions. Be brave any subject that will break the ice will suffice.

Dress your age but look attractive - A great deal of individuals over 50 could quite possibly have neglected themselves in terms of looks while they were still married so by the time they have to embark on a date, they never know what to wear. So dress appropriately for your age but make sure you still look attractive. Check out the latest fashion trends or gain inspiration from celebrities your age. Still, be sure you are comfortable in what you are wearing so that you can carry yourself well. Also, make sure you dress according to the occasion or the venue of your date.

While you're on a date, try to avoid speaking about negative things - In the world of mature dating, be prepared to encounter people who have a great deal of emotional baggage and bitterness from their previous relationships and other experiences. It might be tempting to talk about things about your previous marriage or the way you once fought but try resisting the need to do this. Also, avoid bad-mouthing your ex or a previous date because doing so makes you look aggressive. Just enjoy the date and talk about pleasant things.

Know how to listen - As we become older our desperation or need to impress leads to us appearing nervous. We obsess about how we can create a really good first impression on our date. We have a tendency to talk too much about ourselves and our expectations of what we want without considering the opinions and thoughts of our date. In order to avoid doing that, stop worrying about what your date will think about you and just keep in mind what you would like to understand them. That way, the both of you can share a meaningful conversation with good results. Also, don't rush into telling your date what you really are actually feeling, maintain your cards near to your chest and keep him or her guessing. If there are to be future dates between the two of you, you should have other chances to convey how you feel.

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