Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How To Reinvent Your Life Slowly But Surely

By Casandra Newton

Life is like a roller coaster. There are many highs and lows. All too often, it can feel like it got stuck in a downward spiral. In times like that, people look desperately for a way out. This article will explore ways of getting a do-over and ideas for how to reinvent your life. Albert Einstein made an astute observation when he said that insanity was repeating the same behavior and expecting the outcome to be different. People looking for a way to truly transform themselves have to start by doing things differently.

Many people do not want to change or tell themselves they cant. This negative self-talk happens inside everyone. It is easier to blame others and indulge in self-pity than to face the truth and accept responsibility. The first step therefore, is taking ownership for the past and changing negative self-talk into positive affirmations.

Fear is another hurdle most people need to overcome. Fear stops people from taking action because they are afraid of the unknown. People like to stick with the safe option, staying where they are and doing the same things over and over. Yet, they become miserable when the outcome is always the same.

Fear is a debilitating emotion. It stands in the way of people's success because it makes them resistant to change. The only way to get around this is by adopting a different attitude to change. Everyone should embrace change and understand that the only way to move forward is through changing our thoughts and behavior. Like our negative thoughts, identifying what elicits fear is also important. Fears cannot be eliminated but they can be controlled.

Before reinvention can happen, a plan for transformation has to be drawn up. Just like a building contractor would not start a new construction without a plan, everyone needs a blueprint of what they want from their lives. Change shouldn't happen without a plan or for the sake of it. To draw up a good plan, people will need a list of the things that make them happy. Some people find it easy to make a list and some find it extremely difficult. Those that do find it difficult will need to spend time in self-exploration.

Once a plan is drawn up, people can start setting goals. Goal setting is a very important process that helps people determine their perfect future and what they need to do in order to get there. Make goals that are realistic, specific and measurable. They should also be time-bound. Include goals for a 5-year plan as well as some short-term goals.

Once the big picture goals are in place, a list of things that need to be done in order to achieve those goals can be drawn up. This list will become a daily to-do list. Any work done on the daily to-do list will contribute to the accomplishment of the goals. Goals transform from dreams into achievable events through these daily actions.

There is no perfect recipe for how to reinvent your life. Everyone's journey will be different. But, when the decision to change is made, something powerful happens. Negative energy transforms into positive energy. The wheels are set in motion and the universal principle of forward motion and momentum start to work. People that do not change or move forward become stagnant.

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