Hair today Gone Tommorrow

Balding is not something anyone would look forward to. Even though we are unable to stop aging we can help ourselves when it comes to hair loss.

Our hair does get thinner as we age and more for some than others but with today's medications and creams etc we may be able to slow this down.

I have looked into many hair loss remedies and have found some that are better than others in how they say the can slow down hair loss and some even say they will help your existing hair grow more and stronger. I do not know about that but have heard of some of the good some of them do.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Steps To Reinventing Your Life

By Casandra Newton

You may feel as if you are stuck in a rut - nothing ever changes and you are not moving in the direction you would like to. Reinventing your life can be quite difficult but if you are really serious about shaking things up and starting over, it can be done with focus, determination and effort. Talent may be necessary but drive and initiative may be what gets you to your goals in the end.

Realize that you and you alone are responsible for where you are at this moment in time. The choices you made are what put you in the location and lifestyle you have. And it is new choices that will help you make the changes you so desperately desire. Taking responsibility for yourself and actions taken is the first step.

Decide on what it is you would like to achieve. It may be something as simple as raising German shepherds or as big as running in the next Olympics. Write down specifics such as time frames, costs, and effort necessary to give yourself a clear picture of what type of effort you will have to put into the future.

Be realistic about these plans. If you are 99 years old, it is doubtful that you will be running a marathon but there are other projects you can do, depending on your health and energy. Don't set yourself up for failure because you choose goals that are unattainable. Choose the ones that will stretch and challenge you and are within range if you just put forth the time and effort.

Just take the first step. The most difficult part of any change is the beginning. Once you decide on a life path, begin the journey. Take baby steps at first to acquaint yourself with new territory. As you become more familiar with this lifestyle, you will gain confidence, impetus and make bigger strides.

After you start the process, keep moving toward chosen goals. Refer to plans often and change them if you must. Ignore distractions, temptations and diversions and keep your eyes on the prize. It is extremely important to keep the momentum going. So many individuals will begin a project and then set it aside, expecting to get back to it "someday." Sometimes that someday never comes. Take small breaks if the going gets rough but then jump right back into the fray. If you don't know what steps to take, just do anything that will keep you motivated and excited.

Friends and family can be of great assistance but sometimes they can also be naysayers. They may want the best for you but don't realize what is really important for you to feel fulfilled. Professional assistance from therapists, counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists can assist in removing blocks that keep you from attaining your lifelong dreams.

Reinventing your life is a very fulfilling process but you won't realize it until you try. Most people are satisfied to be just one of the crowd but a few individuals are focused on becoming the person and living the lifestyle of their dreams. You can be one of them with just the right determination and focus.

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